Copel adopts Privacy Tools solutions to adapt to LGPD

2023-11-20 20:27:19

Companhia Paranaense de Energia (Copel) adopted Privacy Tools solutions to provide more security and trust to its data holders.

Copel is one of the largest integrated electrical energy groups in Brazil. The company manages more than 200 thousand km of distribution networks and serves more than 5 million customers in Paraná. Providing quality service to such a wide audience can be a challenge. Hence the choice of the startup from Rio Grande do Sul, which offers a complete system to assist the DPO and adapt to the LGPD.

“The Privacy Tools platform contributed to the implementation of the privacy governance program at Copel, in accordance with the requirements set out in article 50 of the current legislation. The solution allows the management of activities and good privacy and data protection practices in an integrated and centralized way in a single tool”, explains Lilian Andrade, DPO at Copel.

Upon implementation, all citizens – that is, customers or people who have data processed by Copel – can exercise their rights through the Privacy Portal, a solution offered by Privacy Tools. The energy company’s objective is to promote greater transparency and security regarding the rights of data subjects.

For the company’s DPO, this is one of the most relevant aspects of the project: “We can especially highlight the availability of the Privacy Portal on Copel’s website, where data holders can make a request using a form integrated into the tool”.

Furthermore, Copel also has Data Discovery integrated into the service of data holders. According to Lilian, agility with the consumer is of fundamental importance for the company. “The Data Discovery tool allows the location of personal data in an integrated way with Copel’s systems, allowing a quick response to the holder”, she explains.

The Privacy Tools implementation project at Copel was carried out by partner CmTech.


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