Wang Yi Approval Essay of Xi Jinping: A Look into the Tensions in Sino-US Relations and Chinese Leadership

2023-11-19 14:17:34

[VoiceofHopeNovember192023](Author: Shi Chuanyun) As soon as the leader of the Communist Party of China returned to Beijing following attending the US-China Summit and APEC in San Francisco, the accompanying Director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Communist Party of China and Foreign Minister Wang Yi mightn’t wait to post a long article of praise. habit. Wang Yi’s article listed a series of “important results” of the party leader’s visit to the United States, emphasizing that this was what Xi called a “major effort” to manage relations between major powers, and “once once more promoted the stabilization and improvement of Sino-US relations at a historical juncture,” and so on.

Will Sino-US relations get better? Many commentators believe that both sides are delaying the war, and that Sino-US relations may only be as hot as the week or two following the summit. Wang Yi’s eagerness to publish a report listing the party leader’s report card seems more like a report card declaring that he will monopolize diplomatic practice following Yang Jiechi retires. But another background is that Wang Yi seems to be waiting for punishment and is under great pressure.

Wang Yi’s article published on the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Communist Party of China on the evening of the 18th praised the party leader’s trip with the headline “Standing the rudder of Sino-US relations and piloting Asia-Pacific cooperation.” The words and phrases used by Wang Yi to praise Xi are no longer new. They have been used by many senior officials of the Chinese Communist Party, such as the phrase “the style of a leader of a great country who is far-sighted and has the world in mind.”

The article introduced the party leader’s speech paragraph by paragraph, saying that it was “profound and enlightening” and “deeply touched the hearts of the audience present and aroused strong resonance.” He also praised the party leader who “always guides the CCP’s diplomacy with a lofty vision, strong determination, and outstanding wisdom.” Finally, he stated that “we must deeply study and understand Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy” and adhere to Xi’s core leadership, and so on.

Wang Yi made these clichés out of course to show his loyalty. A photo leaked during the Sino-US summit shows him with a flattering look on his face, bending over and bending his knees to listen to Xi’s instructions. This photo is going viral on the internet. Some netizens said that Wang Yi’s posture is the standard posture for a slave to treat his master.

Wang Yi did this not because he hoped to continue to climb the ladder. The 70-year-old was already retained under the rule of thumb because there was no one in the government and Xi didn’t trust others. A “young man” like Qin Gang who was just promoted was dismissed within half a year, leaving Xi Geng to use only veterans.

Wang Yi’s efforts to flatter Xi have a special background. It is said that he has just submitted a written inspection to Xi, which is related to a series of chaotic situations Xi encountered when he attended the BRICS Summit in South Africa in August. Xi’s entourage, including Xi’s entourage, was forcibly intercepted by security at the venue. Afterwards, Xi was alone and frightened.

Yuan Hongbing, a scholar living in Macao, once broke the news that Wang Yi wrote an examination at home earlier and only passed the examination until he burst into tears and scolded himself as worthless.

As if this is not enough, scandals broke out in the diplomatic system under Wang Yi’s control recently. Qin Gang has been missing since June and has been successively dismissed from the positions of Foreign Minister and State Councilor. Foreign media reported that Qin Gang was involved in an extramarital affair and had an affair with Hong Kong Phoenix TV anchor Fu Xiaotian. The two had an illegitimate American son. It is also alleged that he knew that the son of Rocket Force Commander Li Yuchao, who was studying in the United States, leaked secrets and was blamed for his delay in reporting.

On the surface, at least Wang Yi is Qin Gang’s direct boss, and he has “leadership responsibility” for this matter. But when something happened to Qin Gang, there were also reports that there was internal strife in the foreign affairs system, and it was Wang Yi’s group who collected dirty information and reported it.

As for the CCP’s foreign affairs system, the Qin Gang scandal is just the tip of the iceberg. This was recently directly confirmed by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

China Discipline Inspection and Supervision, a magazine affiliated with the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, recently published an article by Zhang Jiwen, leader of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission in the Central Foreign Affairs Office. The article pointed out that the CCP’s foreign affairs cadres “are at relatively high risk of being infiltrated, instigated, and co-opted to be corrupted.”

This statement immediately reminded the outside world of the Qin Gang incident. But the author believes that it is not limited to this. This article is more like a public attack on Wang Yi, the head of the Foreign Affairs Office.

You must know that according to the CCP’s own regulations, the agencies stationed by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission are “responsible to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission.” The units stationed there are targets for “disciplinary inspection and national supervision.”

Therefore, Zhang Jiwen, the leader of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Foreign Affairs Office of the CPC Central Committee, is actually Li Xian, the current secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the spy and thorn in the Foreign Affairs Office. Li Xi himself is one of the representatives of the Xi Jiajun.

Zhang Jiwen’s article criticized the Foreign Affairs Office for “political risks, integrity risks, and management risks.”

The so-called political risks refer to the failure to implement Xi Jinping’s instructions properly, the risks of leaking secrets, being infiltrated and inciting rebellion, etc. In fact, they are the hidden danger of disloyalty to Xi; the integrity risks point to corruption. Management risks refer to cadres losing control and out of control, involving official promiscuity, as well as exclusion of dissidents, intercession and interference in the appointment of cadres, and running for official positions.

The article stated that some leading cadres “are afraid, unwilling, and not good at management”, “the supervision from superiors is ineffective”, and “the ability to proactively identify problems is insufficient”. Doesn’t this mean Wang Yi?

Zhang Jiwen’s remarks are like putting hats on the head of Wang Yi, the “first brother” of the Foreign Affairs Office. Now that Wang Yi has a handle on Li Xi, even though he passed the test by chance, he will have to keep his tail between his legs in the future. His visit to the United States with Xi Jinping is just an illusion.

After the meeting between the US and China heads of state, Wang Yi’s aforementioned article also boasted that Xi Jinping “saw the situation, accepted the invitation, and once once more promoted the stabilization and improvement of Sino-US relations at this historical juncture.” However, neither Wang Yi nor the Chinese Communist Party’s official media dared to mention that President Biden publicly called Xi a “dictator” followingwards, and the effectiveness of some of the outcomes of the talks between the two sides on fentanyl and the resumption of military-to-military dialogue also remains to be seen. At the same time, on the occasion of the summit, the US Indo-Pacific economic framework involving 14 countries continued to exclude the CCP.

During the entire summit, the anti-communist wave outside the venue is believed to make Wang Yi and others, who went to the United States in advance to pave the way for Xi’s visit to the United States, uneasy.

Well-known media person Chen Xiaotian joked on X on November 16: When Xi Jinping passed by the protest team, hundreds of people shouted “Xi Jinping step down”. When Xi Jinping heard it, he was so angry that he didn’t say a word and his face was gloomy. After getting off the car, he glanced at Wang Yi. Wang Yi was so frightened that he trembled in cold sweat and quickly lowered his head. Seeing this, Cai Qi, who was next to him, slowly took out his mobile phone and sent a text message.

Perhaps this is what Zhang Jiwen, leader of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Foreign Affairs Office of the CPC Central Committee, calls “political risks” and “insufficient implementation of Xi Jinping’s instructions.” With this big crime hanging over his head, Wang Yi may be worried that it will be difficult to retire safely.

Under this mentality, it is understandable that Wang Yi immediately flattered the party leader when he returned to China. But it’s hard to say whether he can save himself by praising Xi, because the CCP regime and Xi themselves cannot be saved.

The anger and resentment caused by the rule of the CCP and Xi cannot be released in China. On this side of the Pacific, it is shown outside the Sino-US summit and APEC, and the anti-communist scale is unprecedented.

The slogan “The Communist Party steps down, Xi Jinping steps down” began to appear during the “White Paper Revolution” at the end of November 2022, and has now become a common slogan among protesters. To me, this is a manifestation of contemporary prophecy.

It is not accidental that Wang Yi made flattering remarks when he returned to China. After Xi Jinping was written into the party constitution of the evil party at the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, this trend of praising and praising Xi has become prevalent. But from a historical perspective, the atmosphere of flattery and flattery permeating the top leadership is a sign of the collapse of the regime.

After the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the minister Huan Xuan usurped the throne and established Huan Chu. Because of his huge stature, when he sat on the dragon throne, the dragon throne was overwhelmed and crushed to the ground. Everyone was eclipsed. Yin Zhongwen, a close minister, said flatteringly: “Your Majesty’s holy virtue is so profound that even the land cannot bear it.” With just this sentence, he described divine punishment as destiny, which made Huan Xuan very happy and rewarded Yin Zhongwen heavily. But the Huanxuan regime collapsed a few months later.

When Huanxuan’s regime fell, he once asked his ministers why he failed. Cao Jingzhi, a close minister, said bluntly: “How can we be undefeated when the people are angry and angry?” Huan Xuan asked once more: “Why don’t you give me advice?” Cao Jingzhi replied: “At that time, there was a lot of praise in the court, and they all said that today is the era of Yao and Shun. You also I accept it happily, what else can I say?” Huan Xuan had nothing to say following hearing this.

This story is very suggestive. The sensitive CCP authorities may also have to take action and include Huan Xuan as a sensitive word in the “humiliation package”.

(The author is a freelance writer and does not represent the views of this station)

Editor in charge: Lin Li

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