Trade unions prevent KV conclusion | Metal Technology Industry Association, November 20, 2023

2023-11-20 21:05:10

Christian Knill: “The behavior of the unions is absurd, no one understands that anymore.”

Vienna (OTS) The seventh round of negotiations for the metal technology industry was again unilaterally canceled by the unions this evening.

Christian Knill, chairman of the Metal Technology Industry Association: “The behavior of the unions is absurd, no one understands that anymore. We would have been prepared to increase the amount if we had achieved an improvement in the framework legislation. The unions are now demanding an increase of over 11.6% for three out of four employees. That’s grotesque. We continue to offer an average 8.2% wage and salary increase. This is a very fair and balanced proposal. With current inflation at 5.4%, this deal would significantly strengthen the purchasing power of many employees. With their uncompromising approach, the union representatives have maneuvered themselves into a dead end and are stuck there. We will not be impressed by further strikes and demonstrations of force. Our offer stands, we are still willing to negotiate and have suggested further dates.”

Christian Knill: “The demand that even the highest earners in our industry be raised by more than 12,000 euros per year is incomprehensible and not fair. The unions have no connection to reality. Our employees deserve a fair deal, but we are in a recession and it’s about jobs and the location. Under no circumstances will we pay for the strikes; the unions have to do that themselves and actively communicate it to the strikers.”

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Questions & Contact:

Metalworking Industry Association
Dipl.-jur. Sabine Hesse, MBA
+43 (0)5 90900-3482

#Trade #unions #prevent #conclusion #Metal #Technology #Industry #Association #November

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