UNESCO’s Intangible Heritage: Transhumance in Mountain Pastures in Bouches-du-Rhône

2023-11-20 16:38:20

Could transhumance in mountain pastures be included in UNESCO’s intangible heritage? This age-old tradition is perpetuated in Bouches-du-Rhône by dozens of passionate breeders.

A white tide in the city center, 1500 sheep are released into the streets, with surprising traffic jams. “We didn’t know at all that there was a transhumance, so we are delighted. Really, it’s so beautiful”marvels a passerby.

The white gold of Provence

No choice, you have to share the sidewalk for a few kilometers. The animals are not just any sheep: they bear the name of the city, are called the Merinos of Arles, also nicknamed the white gold of Provence. The 30 breeders present have one and the same desire, to include transhumance in mountain pastures as a UNESCO world heritage site.

It is the sharing of know-how passed down from one generation of shepherds to the next. There is no age to fall under its spell. This outing marks the return to the plain for the animals. The exercise is perilous. After a final goodbye, the herds are now returning to the plains of Crau (Var) until next summer.

The editorial staff of TF1info | Report Suzanne Prez, Frédéric Miara

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