Miraculous Escape: Teen Narrowly Survives Train Accident at Geel Station

2023-11-20 13:37:50

A train tragedy was narrowly avoided this morning, around 9:30 a.m., at Geel station. Indeed, a 14-year-old girl was on the platform, waiting for her train, when she, for a reason still unknown, fell on the tracks.

If the suicide attempt has not yet been completely ruled out, it seems that she ended up there because of a slip. A train was arriving at the same time and was unable to brake in time: the young girl was hit.

Miraculously, the teenager did not die. According to our colleagues from Nieuwsblad, she was saved thanks to the space between the bottom of the train and the ground, which meant that her body was not completely affected.

The emergency services quickly rescued the young girl who was taken to hospital, like the driver, extremely shocked by what he had just experienced.


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