2023-11-20 13:27:53
With the Non-Contributory Pensions (PNC) from Anses The State offers a economic assistance to vulnerable groups or special, who do not have access to other aid. At the moment There are four types of PNC.
The Non-Contributory Disability Pension accompanies the People with disabilities who are in a situation of social vulnerability.
The Non-Contributory Pension for Mother of 7 children It is aimed at women who have or have had seven or more children.
The Non-Contributory Old Age Pension for people aged 70 or over, without pension or non-contributory coverage.
Finally the Non-Contributory Pension for people with HIV and/or Hepatitis B and/or C to guarantee economic support and health coverage.
Requirements for the Non-Contributory Disability Pension
– Being native or naturalized Argentine, resident in the country. If you are a foreigner, you must prove a minimum continuous residence in the country of 10 years. In the case of minor applicants, the requirement will be proven by the minimum continuous residence in the country of 3 years by their fathers, mothers or guardians.
– You do not have to be employed or in a dependency relationship, nor registered as self-employed, or monotributista of the general regime. You can be a social monotributist.
– Have less than 65 years old.
– You cannot be receiving a assignment, retirement or pension.
– Only Your family group’s income will be evaluated if you are a minor. In that case, the income of your father, mother or guardian cannot exceed 4 minimum pensions.
– If you live in Santiago del Estero, Santa Cruz, San Luis, La Pampa, Neuquén or Tierra del FuegoIn addition to the CMO, you must present the cadastral report with the seal of the issuing body in your name (or that of your spouse/cohabitant) or, if you are under 18 years of age, in the name of your parents or guardian.
Requirements for the Non-Contributory Pension for a Mother of 7 children
– Be Argentine or naturalized (minimum one year of residence in the country).
– If you are foreigner, having resided in the country at least for 15 years.
– Maintain residence in the country once the pension has been requested.
– Not being a pension holderpension or retirement, contributory or non-contributory, granted by any pension regime.
– Not receiving a Family Allowance for Child, Universal Allowance for Daughter or Son and Allowance for Pregnancy.
– Not possess assets, incomenor resources of another nature that allow your subsistence or that of your family group, nor relatives obliged to provide food.
– Your spouse or common-law wife You may be the holder of a pension benefit, but not of an old-age pension or a non-contributory disability pension.
Requirements for the Non-Contributory Old Age Pension
– Have 70 or more years old.
– Be native or naturalized Argentine, resident in the country. In the latter case, she must have resided in the country for at least 5 years before making the application.
– Foreigners must have resided in the country for at least 40 years before applying.
– Do not collect, either the holder or his or her spouse, a pensionpension or retirement of a contributory or non-contributory nature, granted by any pension scheme.
– Not own propertyincome or resources of another nature that allow their subsistence and that of their cohabiting family group, nor relatives obliged to provide food.
– Not being detained at the disposal of Justice.
– In the case of a marriagethe old-age pension will be processed only in favor of one of the spouses.
– The definitive absence of the country will cause you to lose the right to the benefit, from the moment you become aware of it.
Requirements for the Non-Contributory Pension for people with HIV and/or Hepatitis B and/or C
– Be 18 years old and reside in the country at the time of requesting the benefit.
– Naturalized Argentine people or foreigners must have a minimum of 5 years of continuous residence in the country at the time of the application.
– Have the diagnosis accredited in the National Health Surveillance System of the Ministry of Health at the time of requesting this benefit.
– Approve the socioeconomic evaluation.
– Your monthly income They cannot be higher than the equivalent value of a Minimum Living and Mobile Wage.
– The income of your entire family group (spouse or cohabitant), together with yours, cannot exceed the equivalent value of three Minimum Living and Mobile Wages.
More information in: anses.gob.ar/jubilaciones-y-pensiones/como-obtener-mi-pension/como-obtener-una-pension-no-contributiva-pnc
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