Reconfigured politics and Rio Negro unrest

2023-11-20 04:17:00

The significant triumph of Javier Milei It initially obstructs the expectations and national sponsorship that the future government of Alberto Weretilneck envisioned for Río Negro with the presidential rise of Sergio Massa.

A remarkable turn. Now, the ruling party was immersed, like the majority of society, in the concern of what is to come.

Furthermore, the self-imposed deadline has been met and Weretilneck must finally resolve its government team. He always subordinated those central definitions to the conclusion of the national election. That’s it, even if it’s not as he thought.

With this context, starting December 10, in 20 days, the Cipoleño will assume the provincial administration and will do so with many state constraints. It is enough to mention a few, such as the regularization of services and works that are affected by recently accumulated debts and, in addition, the upcoming payment of salary obligations, including the bonus.

It is urgent to specify the Nation’s authorizations for the issuance of financial instruments that make it possible to have those funds that will allow us to close 2023 and also start next year.

They are not the only ones, but they are the immediate emergencies that Weretilneck knows and, therefore, he will not be able to allow himself too much time to be disturbed..

Milei’s victory in the Province is significant. He won the runoff with 54%, capturing seven out of ten voters who had to reorient their votes following running out of candidates. In the numbers, Together for Change had more than 80,000 votes in the General Elections and the libertarian grew by regarding 85,000 votes yesterday.

Milei’s victory also meant a curious joint defeat for JSRN – from its leader to Governor Carreras – and also for the dissident Peronist sector, led essentially by Martín and María Emilia Soria.

The former mayor of Roque and today Minister of Justice of the Nation was elected national deputy in October with Massa’s ticket although, in reality, his campaign was meager. Everything perked up when his opponent burst in. After the Generals, when JSRN lost its deputy in the game, Weretilneck was Weretilneck and embraced the fate of Massa.

Since last night, politics has been reconfigured. That will already disrupt previous schemes in Río Negro, starting with the Great Agreement that has not yet “materialized” by the elected governor as publicly stated by his Peronist ally, Martín Doñate, another defeated person from the day before. The UCR, adherent to the Great Agreement and Massa, also remained on the side of the defeated. Such a structure – together with dissident Peronism – did not push at all.

The tide of change was unstoppable, beyond yesterday’s evident demobilization of those who had previously played their electoral games.

Massa lost in almost all of the municipalities, with a tight count in Bariloche, and among the few wins were Jacobacci and Sierra Grande.

The libertarian leadership orphanhood did not matter. Last year, that force appeared in Río Negro with Ariel Rivero, the only mayor aligned with Milei, who yesterday achieved 60% in Campo Grande.

The representation of LLA was altered, without losing conflict, and today falls to the elected representative Lorena Villaverde.

With other libertarian leaders, elected representative Villaverde. Photo Courtesy.

In line with the national Milei-Macri agreement, a part of the PRO led by legislator Juan Martín adhered to and collaborated with the libertarian oversight. Thus, Macrismo keeps part of the victory.

“No one called me, but I will be available to collaborate,” Villaverde said yesterday followingnoon. on a trip to Buenos Aires, when the electoral will was not yet known.

Weretilneck never discards anything, but he knows that there are good acquaintances of his, involved in the PRO, who remained close to Milei, among them, the Buenos Aires residents Sebastián García De Luca and Diego Santilli. They will be links that will serve well if it happens, as is speculated, that former Macri officials will join the next administration.

Among other conclusions, the ruling party understands that defeat, distance from the winner and financial difficulties constitute a common denominator among provincial rulers. Political dialogue will prevail, they conjecture.

Everything remains in a picture of exceptionality, a product of this notable shift imposed by society that cried out for something else.

#Reconfigured #politics #Rio #Negro #unrest



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