Restoration of Civil Service Services After Government Computer Network Failure

2023-11-19 21:43:00

With the government administrative computer network failure that caused an unprecedented paralysis of civil service services being restored, attention is being paid to whether civil complaints sites, including the issuance of documents at neighborhood community centers, will return to normal today (the 20th).

The Ministry of Public Administration and Security announced today that it will restart the civil complaint document issuance service at city, county, district, town, village and neighborhood community centers nationwide.

The online civil service service ‘Government 24’ is also operating normally.

The Ministry of Public Administration and Security expects that the ‘Saeol System’, the government’s administrative computer network, will operate without problems, with computer problems resolved, and civil documents will be issued smoothly.

However, as the issuance of on-site civil service documents was suspended on the 17th and over the weekend when the computer network was paralyzed, there is a possibility that a large number of civil servants will flock today.

Ko Ki-dong, Vice Minister of Public Administration and Security, said in a briefing yesterday followingnoon, “We will continue to monitor and manage the situation to ensure that the resumed service becomes more stable so that there are no inconveniences on Monday.”

The Ministry of Public Administration and Security operates a ‘Local Administrative Computer Service Failure Response Situation Room’ with related agencies to prepare for emergencies such as recurrence of failures.

In the situation room, specialized personnel will monitor to ensure stable service operation, and will take immediate action when any abnormalities are discovered.

On the 17th, a failure occurred in the ‘Saeol System’, the computer network of local government officials, blocking user access and halting the issuance of various certificates at civil complaints sites.

On the followingnoon of that day, even the government’s online civil service service ‘Government 24’ stopped, an unprecedented event in which all civil service services came to a halt.

The Ministry of Public Administration and Security deployed recovery personnel comprised of public and private experts to resume the ‘Government 24’ service the next day, and normalized the ‘Saeol System’ yesterday.

The Ministry of Public Administration and Security determined that this incident was caused by a problem in network equipment connected to the administrative computer network.

#Government #administrative #computer #network #restarted #20th.. #Attention #normalization #civil #complaints #sites



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