NASA carries out a unique quantum experiment aboard the ISS

2023-11-19 22:10:00

In a world first, an international team of researchers has succeeded in producing a quantum gas composed of two types of atoms on board the International Space Station (ISS). This achievement, which opens the way to the application of quantum technologies in space, is the result of experiments carried out remotely from Earth.

A new step in quantum research

Aboard NASA’s Cold Atom Laboratory, researchers produced Bose-Einstein condensates, a quantum state of matter obtained by cooling an atomic gas to temperatures near absolute zero.

According to Nicholas Bigelow, professor of physics and optics at theUniversity of Rochesterthese quantum tools might be used to improve the study of quantum matter, facilitate navigation between planets, help solve the mysteries of the universe, and deepen our understanding of the fundamental laws of nature.

Professor Bigelow, who is also director of the Space Ultracold Atoms Consortium funded by NASAemphasizes that the absence of gravity allows for increased measurement precision and the detection of delicate effects that might be masked by gravity.

Towards a better understanding of dark energy

With this new capability, the Cold Atom Laboratory can now study not only the quantum properties of individual atoms, but also quantum chemistry, which focuses on the interaction and combination of different types of atoms into a quantum state. . Researchers will thus be able to conduct a greater variety of experiments and deepen their knowledge of the nuances of their implementation in microgravity.

One of the mysteries scientists hope to unravel concerns the principle of equivalence, which states that gravity affects all objects the same way, regardless of their mass. This principle, which is part of the general theory of relativityAlbert Einsteindoes not correspond perfectly to the laws of quantum physics, which describe the behavior of small objects like atoms.

Scientists have already experimented with atomic interferometers on Earth to check whether the equivalence principle is valid at the atomic scale, but they will be able to test it more precisely in space thanks to the cold atom laboratory.


This achievement marks an important milestone in the application of quantum technologies in space. Researchers plan to use a two-atom interferometer and quantum gases to measure gravity with high precision to learn more regarding the nature of dark energy, the mysterious driver of the accelerating expansion of the universe .

The knowledge gained might lead to the development of precision sensors for a wide range of applications, including deep space navigation and improving space clocks, essential for many aspects of modern life such as the Internet. broadband and GPS.

For a better understanding

What is a Bose-Einstein condensate?

A Bose-Einstein condensate is a quantum state of matter obtained by cooling an atomic gas to temperatures near absolute zero.

What is the role of gravity in quantum experiments?

Gravity can limit the precision of measurements in fundamental physics. Its absence makes it possible to obtain increased measurement precision and to detect delicate effects which might be masked by gravity.

What is the equivalence principle?

The equivalence principle, part of Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity, states that gravity affects all objects the same way, regardless of their mass.

What is dark energy?

Dark energy is the mysterious driving force behind the accelerating expansion of the universe. Its exact nature still remains unknown.

What are the potential benefits of quantum technologies in space?

Quantum technologies in space might lead to the development of precision sensors for a wide range of applications, including deep space navigation and improving space clocks.

Main lessons

Teachings1. Production of a quantum gas composed of two types of atoms on board the International Space Station.2. Use of quantum tools to improve the study of quantum matter and facilitate navigation between planets.3. The absence of gravity allows for increased measurement precision in fundamental physics.4. Opportunity to study quantum chemistry, which focuses on the interaction and combination of different types of atoms in a quantum state.5. Scientists can test the equivalence principle more precisely in space using the cold atom laboratory.6. The researchers plan to use a two-atom interferometer and quantum gases to measure gravity with high precision.7. The knowledge gained might lead to the development of precision sensors for a wide range of applications.8. Quantum technologies in space might improve space clocks, essential for many aspects of modern life.9. Researchers hope to learn more regarding the nature of dark energy, the mysterious driver of the accelerating expansion of the universe.10. The experiments are carried out remotely from Earth.


Main illustration caption: The cold atom laboratory on the International Space Station produces clouds of “ultracold” atoms, the coldest temperature that matter can reach. Through experiments conducted in the laboratory and controlled remotely on Earth, a team of international researchers has produced Bose-Einstein condensates, a quantum state of matter consisting of an atomic gas cooled to temperatures near absolute zero. (Photo JPL/NASA)

Original article published in the journal Nature. “Quantum gas mixtures and dual-species atom interferometry in space” – DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06645-w

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#NASA #carries #unique #quantum #experiment #aboard #ISS



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