2023-11-19 14:00:00
After a few minutes the waiter comes with the metal plates. Half a flatbread filled with ten Ćevapčići, a fork rammed wildly into it from above, next to it a dollop of cream and a mountain of finely chopped onions. The Baščaršija, a kind of miniature Jerusalem, a collage of crosses, moons and stars, is the Ćevapčići epicenter of the world. Here, grill oven following grill oven, one Ćevabdžinica next to the other, the Željo, the Softić, the Mrkva, the Petica and the Hodžić, all historic family businesses. Every single family has kept their recipe top secret for generations.
#Beautiful #problems #workshop #called #Sarajevo #Architecture #City