Elections 2023: Javier Milei and Sergio Massa go for the Presidency in a runoff that will mark the destiny of Argentina

2023-11-19 00:56:58

Los presidential candidates by Freedom Advances, Javier Mileyand by Union for the Homeland, Sergio Massathey will define this Sunday who will be the successor by Alberto Fernández in a runoff crucial for the future of Argentina. The competition occurs in the midst of an economic crisis that has been going on for several years, but with the particularity that Massa, the official candidate, is the current Minister of Economy.

A very even vote is estimated. The polls give the winner to both, in both cases by a narrow margin of difference. Massa starts with the floor of 36.78% of the votes obtained in the first round on October 22 and Milei with 29.99%. Both are fighting for the votes that were “orphaned.” Those of Patricia Bullrich (Together for Change) 23%; Juan Schiaretti (We Do for Our Country) 6.73% and Myriam Bregman (Left Front) 2.77%.

To win, Massa is betting on deepening the difference that all the polls give him in the largest district of the country, the province of Buenos Aires, and also in the northern provinces of the country. He also seeks to reduce the margin of certain defeat that he will have in Córdoba. For his part, Milei seeks to stretch his favorable difference in the large districts of the center of the country (Córdoba, the city of Buenos Aires, Santa Fe and Mendoza) and narrow the defeat he will have in the Buenos Aires suburbs.

Regarding the provisional scrutiny on the same Sunday, greater speed is expected because there will only be two ballots with a single category, the presidential one. The rest of the charges were resolved in October. But there is also the possibility that the count might stretch into the early hours of the morning in case of strong parity. This would lead one of the candidates to take a long time to recognize defeat if the margin narrows.

The proselytizing activity of the candidates for the runoff was marked by the negative campaign towards the rival, above the proposals. And in recent days the climate has become even more strained with suspicions of possible fraud promoted by La Libertad Avanza. Massa achieved the support of various sectors of civil society who published numerous statements in the previous days calling not to vote for Milei.

For his part, the libertarian, since the day following the general elections on October 22, garnered the explicit support of Bullrich, the former candidate whose votes he needs, and former president Mauricio Macri, who launched an operation to improve the control of space. In addition, they promoted the vote of their followers within Together for Change for the libertarian. Although not total, since the Radical Civic Union and the Civic Coalition reject the libertarian.

The leaders and militants of Unión por la Patria will attend the cultural space C Complejo Art Media, located at 6271 Corrientes Avenue, in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Chacarita, to await the results. For their part, those from La Libertad Avanza, as in the PASO and the first round, will wait for the figures at the Hotel Libertador, located at 690 Córdoba Avenue, in downtown Buenos Aires.

In one of these two places there will be great celebrations. Then, the transition process will begin, which will be completed on Sunday, December 10. That dua, Alberto Fernández will hand over the attributes to his successor. Will it be Massa? Will it be Milei? It is estimated that the results will begin to be known at 9:00 p.m. on Sunday, the National Electoral Chamber announced.

#Elections #Javier #Milei #Sergio #Massa #Presidency #runoff #mark #destiny #Argentina



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