Preventing Parasite Infection from Fish: Tips and Warnings

2023-11-18 10:57:58

Not only salmon, but also mackerel can you eat a lot of parasites at any time? Recently, the Miyazaki University School of Medicine in Japan released a video showing a large number of parasites squirming in the belly of a cut open mackerel, sparking heated debate. Experts from the hospital confirmed that there were regarding 200 parasites, but it was not the largest number. Experts point out that seven species of fish are most susceptible to parasites in winter, which can cause food poisoning. Is the symptom of parasite infection just stomachache? How to clean it before cooking?

Shocked to see 200 parasites squirming following opening mackerel

Miyazaki University School of Medicine in Japan posted on social platforms last Thursday (9th)「X」The video was shared online. After the mackerel was cut open, it looked normal under normal lighting. However, when I shined a spotlight on it, I saw a large number of living parasites in the internal organs, which was quite scary. After the video was released, it attracted more than 18 million views.

Click on the picture to see the parasite squirming↓↓↓

Mio Tanaka, an assistant professor in the Department of Parasitology at the medical school, said in an interview with Japanese media that the video was shot by students during their internship training. During the training, they dissected mackerel and looked at the parasites inside them. As a result, following being illuminated with special lights, more than 200 parasites were found in the mackerel.

In autumn and winter, 7 types of fish can have up to 500 marine animal stomach nematodes, which may cause poisoning

Mio Tanaka explained that the parasite in the film is called “Anisakis”, which is the “gastric nematode of sea beasts”. Leviathan stomach nematodes usually stick around the internal organs while the fish is alive, but when the fish dies, they move inside the fish.

The larvae of the leviathan stomach nematode are regarding 2 to 3 cm in length and 0.5 to 1 mm in width, and look like a slightly thick white line. Tanaka Mio pointed out that the number of marine gastric nematodes parasitizing fish can exceed 500, and they are often most common in autumn and winter.

She pointed out that the parasite “gastric nematode” is more common in the following seven types of fish and should be paid more attention to:

Infection with marine animal stomach nematode poisoning symptoms abdominal pain, be careful

Tanaka Mio pointed out that eating fish containing marine animal stomach nematodes can cause food poisoning. The symptoms and incubation period are as follows:

Marine animal stomach nematode infection

Incubation period: 2 to 8 hours Common symptoms: severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting

Intestinal leviathan infection

Incubation period: more than 10 hours Common symptoms: severe abdominal pain, peritonitis

What other symptoms will a person experience following being infected with parasites?Wu Hao, a specialist in gastroenterology and hepatology in Hong Kong, said in an earlier interview with “Sing Tao Headlines” that parasites mainly affect three major organs. The detailed symptoms are as follows:

The stomach nematodes of marine animals have strong vitality. Experts teach 5 tips to prevent infection with parasites

Tanaka Mio pointed out that you should be especially careful with marine animal stomach nematodes in winter, because chewing them hard may not break them and kill them. Even if soaked in vinegar or salt, they are still alive and tenacious. To prevent infection from parasites, here are 5 ways to do it:

Methods to prevent infection with marine animal stomach nematodes:

Heat treatment: Sea animal stomach nematodes will die in 1 minute at 60°C, and will die immediately at 70°C or higher. Freezing treatment: Marine gastric nematodes will die if frozen at -20°C for more than 24 hours. Key points when purchasing: Try to choose fresh fish and remove the internal organs immediately. Thorough inspection: Inspect the fish thoroughly to remove stomach worms. Never Eat Raw: Never eat fish offal raw, the amounts of salt, mustard, vinegar, etc. used in normal cooking are not enough to kill them.

Why are fish prone to harbor parasites?Be careful when eating grass carp

In an earlier interview with “Sing Tao Toutiao”, Man Ka-man, the food research project manager of the Hong Kong Center for Food Innovation, Technology and Safety, said that the reason why fish have parasites is related to their living environment and the food they eat.

She pointed out that fish can be infected with parasites by living in unclean water sources or eating food contaminated with parasites. The following freshwater or saltwater fish are also susceptible:

Almost all fish also have parasites?Experts reveal 2 types of fish are more risky

Can you avoid parasites by eating fish? In an earlier interview with “Sing Tao Toutiao”, the founding president of the Hong Kong Ichthyological Society, Chong Ti-wa, said that almost all fish may also have parasites attached to their bodies, but there are two types of fish that are at a higher risk:

Can I eat fish as usual following removing the parasite? Should we be careful when eating grouper?

Are there any effects if you eat cooked parasites? Chong Ti-wah, founding president of the Hong Kong Ichthyological Society, said that the parasites infected by fish are mainly marine gastric nematodes. He taught everyone how to remove this parasite before cooking, and explained the impact on human health following accidental ingestion:

Carmen Man, food research project manager of the Hong Kong Center for Food Innovation, Technology and Safety, reminded that if you accidentally eat raw parasites or their eggs, it may cause gastrointestinal or brain infection, so you must be careful to prevent them.

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