FPÖ – Hafenecker: “ORF is increasingly becoming a propaganda organ for climate extremists!” | Freedom Parliamentary Club

2023-11-18 17:00:47

“Live interview” for those who disrupted the men’s slalom in Gurgl is the next ORF scandal – “The ORF ‘compulsory tax’ has to go”

Vienna (OTS) After climate extremists attacked and disrupted the men’s slalom in Gurgl today with one of their “actions”, which was also commented on favorably by the ORF commentator, an ORF team had two of these extremists speak their absurd demands into the camera while holding a microphone . For FPÖ media spokesperson and Secretary General NAbg. Christian Hafenecker, MA is “the next ORF scandal”. “Public broadcasting is increasingly becoming a propaganda organ for the left-wing extremist climate sect. After the narratives of climate madness have already flowed into countless programs, proponents of this milieu are repeatedly offered a stage and, with ‘ZIB Magazine Climate’, they have even created their own format for the unreflective reproduction of the eco-communist doomsday narratives with a CO2 fetish, we are now leaving at Küniglberg apparently openly started acting as a PR team for these extremists. The fact that all Austrians are obliged to pay for this madness with the ORF ‘compulsory tax’ is therefore completely unacceptable – the black-green household tax has to go!” said Hafenecker, who responded to the FPÖ online petition once morest the ORF “compulsory tax”. www.haushaltsabgabe.fail pointed out which might be supported by the citizens.

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