Emperor in Dragon Robe Beats Little Pink in San Francisco – APEC Protests and Conflicts

2023-11-17 16:41:19

On November 15, the “Emperor” wearing a dragon robe beat up Little Pink in San Francisco. (Screenshot of X platform)

[The Epoch Times, November 18, 2023]During APEC, overseas pro-democracy activists, people who complained about injustice, and pinkies who paid for the consulate gathered in San Francisco. Among them, an “emperor” wearing a dragon robe drove away the little pinkies, and The little pink fight attracted attention, and he later revealed to the media that his family of six came to the United States through a long-distance trip.

On November 15, a fierce physical conflict broke out between pro-communist and anti-communist people near the “St. Regis Hotel in San Francisco” rented by the leader of the Communist Party of China. On the side of the pro-democracy activists, a man was wearing the dragon robe and crown of an ancient Chinese emperor. A crown with “Free China” on the front, and a white armband from the “Xi Jinping Funeral Committee” on his arm, which is particularly eye-catching.

According to the video, the man playing the Chinese Emperor was fighting with Little Pink. He punched and kicked her, grabbed Old Pink’s head with one hand, and punched her repeatedly with the other hand. Some people nearby were involved in the beating, and some started a fight. There are other little pinks who are trying to take advantage of the opportunity to counterattack with the CCP’s blood flag.

After the video was exposed, netizens discussed it hotly. Some said, “The emperor is wise!” “This is performance art. The emperor beats the dog slaves.” “I support the emperor this time!” “Now Pinky finally tastes the iron fist!”

The “Emperor” later revealed to the media that his name was Wang Zhongwei. In March this year, his family of six came to the United States via wire. Now he is the director of the New Media Department of the China Democracy Party in Los Angeles. When he was in mainland China, he was a small business owner and an internet celebrity selling goods through live broadcasts.

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He said that one of his companions was alone at that time and was beaten up by the pinks, so he was very angry and responded with fists without mercy. He said that these pinks “take advantage of the large number of people”, some are paid (from the Chinese Consulate), and there are also some professional thugs. This is a common domestic method to scare ordinary people.

Editor in charge: Xu Jian#

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