Nicole Neumann’s Controversial Wedding Party: Family Drama and Celebrity Guests Revealed

2023-11-17 20:19:30

After the big civil wedding in Patagonia, Nicole Neumann is now focused on the mega party she will have with José Manuel Urcera in Exaltación de la Cruz, where there will once once more be controversy over family presences and absences.

Among those who will participate in the celebration on December 8, Bernd Unter Unteruberbacher, his father, stands out. “He came to Argentina for Nicole’s happiness,” said Laura Ubfal.

In addition, the Intrusos journalist said that Clara Unteruberbacher, the 22-year-old sister.

“Now Nicole has no relationship with her mother, she is not invited to the wedding, but she has a relationship with her father, and he is invited,” he summarized.

“Now Nicole has no relationship with her mother, she is not invited to the wedding, but she has a relationship with her father, and he is invited.”

In this way, Nicole Neumann’s conflicts with Claudia, her mother, will deepen, who like Bernd Unter Unteruberbacher lives in Europe, but who might not afford the trip to Buenos Aires to be at the party on her own.


On the other hand, “there was a meeting where Geraldine Neumann was with Jorge Otamendi, and Nicole was with Manu Urcera.”

NIcole Neumann.

Although Gege is actually the daughter of Claudia Neumann and Francisco Conti, she still got together with her older sister’s father.

Nicole Neumann with her family.

Finally, Marcela Tauro revealed that Nicole Neumann invited Pelado Guillermo López to her wedding party with José Manuel Urcera.

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