Magaly Medina’s Concern for Amy Gutiérrez’s Mental Health: Seeking Help to Beat Depression

2023-11-17 17:40:00
Magaly Medina recommends psychiatric help to Amy Gutiérrez. (Capture: Magaly TV La Firme)

In the recent edition of Magaly TV La Firme, host Magaly Medina began her program by addressing the video of singer Amy Gutiérrez. In this, the salsa singer surprised her thousands of followers on social networks by revealing that she is experiencing deep depression.

Faced with this situation, the ATV host did not hesitate to express her opinion and advise Amy to seek specialized help in psychiatric medicine, since what she is experiencing would not be sufficiently addressed with the help of a psychologist alone. It should be noted that the young woman mentioned that she is already receiving said treatment.

“This singer, very talented, young, she who alarmed us a few days ago by posting a message on her Instagram account that she later deleted where she appears crying inconsolably. This is not the first time that Amy Gutiérrez speaks, that she is sad, that she feels bad, that she is depressed,” the ATV host initially said on November 15.

Magaly Medina concerned regarding Amy Gutiérrez’s mental health. (Capture: Magaly TV La Firme)

“Depression, ladies and gentlemen, is a systemic evil in our country. Unfortunately, mental health is so neglected in our country that even people who are in the public eye suffer from it and sometimes we don’t realize it. Although we have a person there in front of us,” she said.

In response to this, Magaly TV La Firme prepared a report and consulted psychiatrist Eduardo Cortina regarding the mental health of the young 24-year-old singer. “There is a neurobiological alteration that causes them to have negative ideas, ideas of harming themselves, it is not that a person with depression is in the mood to live a happy life or take trips abroad to enjoy themselves. It is a disease that needs personalized attention, said the psychiatrist.

As you may remember, in June of this year, the singer warned that her illness began to manifest with greater intensity, just when she began singing in the female group ‘Son Tentación’. She explained that the grueling overnight work regimes, combined with her media overexposure, caused a breakdown in her well-being. Despite having mentioned that she has been undergoing psychological therapy for a few months, the situation persists.

“Depression comes with many symptoms of anxiety, people with depression have many phobias, some fears of the night, fears of being alone, the bad things that might happen to them and this becomes much more catastrophic,” said the doctor, a specialist in mental health.

Amy Gutiérrez breaks down in front of her followers and confesses that she does not feel well. I.G.

Finally, journalist Magaly Medina expressed her concern for the health of the singer Amy Gutiérrez by warning on social networks with a video regarding the need for help. The journalist recommended that she seek the assistance of a psychiatrist instead of a psychologist, as she is currently doing.

“It is not the first time that she has shown signs of suffering from depression and according to what she confessed in some interviews she has been treated by psychologists, but I believe that we are misunderstanding this illness because it is an illness.

“As she says herself, you can have it all, the note says that she has just joined this producer, Master Chris, who has many celebrities he works with; However, depression has nothing to do with success, nothing to do with being well in your personal life, nothing to do with having money. Depression is a neurobiological condition that originates in the brain due to a lack of serotonin uptake, so I think we should all be attentive to that,” she said.

“I believe that Amy Gutiérrez should seek specialized help and the specialized help is not a psychologist, it is definitely a psychiatrist because this type of illness has to need medical and pharmacological treatment, in any case we hope that she recovers and that we give her attention to these mental health problems,” he concluded.

(Capture: Magaly TV La Firme)

A few days ago, the singer Amy Gutiérrez surprised her followers on her social networks by sharing a clip, which she later deleted, in which she narrated the difficult moments that make her feel vulnerable, and accepting to suffer from depression.

“There will always be difficult days. I’m not ashamed that they see me like that, honestly, because I’m a human being like everyone else, and I also get depressed, I also feel, sometimes I feel alone, sometimes things don’t go the way I want,” she said at the beginning. in tears.

“Sometimes it is difficult for me to understand this whirlwind of feelings that I feel. Today is one of those days, where it is difficult for me to get out of my bed, it is difficult for me to think positively, it is difficult for me to have an appetite, it is difficult for me to go to train, I am going to try to calm down a little. “I haven’t stopped crying all night,” she said.

Later, he specified that he shared this unusual episode of his life as a way to release emotions and vent. “In the morning, for regarding three hours, I was awake and I went back to sleep and I just got up and once more, I’m still crying… maybe with these stories I want to vent a little. (…) This is also my reality, many days they don’t see me, obviously,” she added sobbing.

Amy Gutiérrez expresses her sadness through tears. I.G.
#Magaly #Medinas #sincere #advice #Amy #Gutiérrez #medical #pharmacological #treatment



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