Improving Erectile Dysfunction: Walking Backwards Method and Lifestyle Tips to Enhance Sexual Function

2023-11-17 15:03:19

[이데일리 이순용 기자] For men who are gradually getting older, issues related to sexual function are a very sensitive topic. In particular, caution is needed regarding erectile dysfunction as it can cause significant impairment in male sexual function. This disease does not only occur in middle-aged or older men, but also occurs in younger men in their 20s and 30s.

There are various causes of erectile dysfunction, but common causes include aging, stress, fatigue due to irregular lifestyle, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and high blood pressure. In most cases, it is caused by diseases caused by psychological factors or lifestyle habits, so in order to prevent this, it is advisable to understand your daily lifestyle habits, improve the faulty areas, and consistently manage yourself.

In particular, the ‘walking method’ to improve erectile dysfunction has recently been attracting the attention of many men. Walking is one of the aerobic exercises that can be easily practiced in everyday life. The effects vary depending on the type of walking, and among them, walking backwards can help to some extent in improving erectile dysfunction.

Walking backwards mainly strengthens the muscles of the buttocks and inner thighs. As the area surrounding the blood vessels of the penis becomes stronger due to walking, changes in erectile function also occur. The problem most patients with erectile dysfunction have is that blood drains from the penis too quickly. However, it has been known that as the muscles surrounding the penile blood vessels gradually become stronger while walking backwards, the rapid escape of blood can be reduced compared to before.

Director Lee Mu-yeon of Adams Urology said, “Regardless of age, many men are suffering from erectile dysfunction these days. In this case, it is necessary to make the situation positive by improving lifestyle habits rather than just being ashamed of erectile dysfunction,” he said. “However, if improving lifestyle habits alone does not work, it is also advisable to seek help from a medical professional.

Erectile dysfunction can be improved through medication and injection therapy, and if surgery is necessary, there are surgical methods that can shorten the time and improvement period. If you have even the slightest suspicion of erectile dysfunction, it is advisable to visit a medical institution early and get a checkup.

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