Dengue Fever Outbreak in Saint-Martin: A Guide to Prevention and Mosquito Identification

2023-11-17 14:58:11

A clear increase in the number of cases clinically suggestive of dengue fever was observed last week in Saint-Martin, indicates Santé Publique France, i.e. 170 compared to 60 the week before.

The number of biologically confirmed cases of dengue fever remains high with 60 cases recorded (compared to 54 the week before). The Louis-Constant Fleming hospital recorded fourteen visits to the emergency room for suspected dengue fever, one person was hospitalized following going to the emergency room.

As a reminder, Saint-Martin entered the epidemic phase last week.

For further

Which mosquito is responsible for transmitting dengue fever?

Dengue fever is a disease caused by a virus transmitted by the bite of a mosquito of the Aedes genus, mainly Aedes aegypti, more rarely Aedes albopictus (tiger mosquito).

What are the particularities of Aedes aegypti?

Aedes aegypti is native to Africa. It is estimated that it colonized the Mediterranean area and the Americas in the 17th century and has since spread throughout the intertropical zone.

This mosquito has a hematophagous activity (feeds on blood) usually during the day: females generally bite from dawn until dusk but can easily be aggressive outside of this daytime window. To live, it needs water (larval stage) and shade (adult mosquito). It reproduces by laying eggs mainly in man-made breeding sites (any container or object containing unpolluted water) or sometimes in artificial breeding sites (tree holes containing water).
The rainy season is therefore conducive to its proliferation but its presence is closely linked to urbanization. Adult mosquitoes mainly rest inside homes, in dark areas (dark-colored furniture or clothing and in closets, for example).
The flight radius of Aedes aegypti is limited (on average 30 to 50 meters), but can be greater, particularly thanks to the wind. This is the reason why vigilance and systematic destruction of shelters inside and around homes are effective prevention measures accessible to all.

(source : ARS)

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