Exploring the archives and writing History (Librairie Droz “Publications of international economic and social history”, 2022)

2023-11-14 23:00:00
Page 3 to 6: Start pages | Page 7 to 17: Hubert Bonin and Laure Quennouëlle-Corre – General introduction | Page 19 to 25: Christine Nougaret – Chapter one. Roger Nougaret, from archives to banking heritage | Page 27 to 28: Geoffroy de Lassus – Chapter II. Roger Nougaret: a chartist in banking | Page 29 to 30: Jean-Yves Haberer – Chapter III. An unprecedented professional adventure | Page 31 to 37: Jean-François Verny – Chapter IV. Roger Nougaret and the historical archives department of Crédit Lyonnais | Page 39 to 53: Patrick de Villepin – Chapter V. Crossed affinities, mixed destinies | Page 55 to 60: Bibliography of Roger Nougaret | Page 61 to 75: Interviews with Roger Nougaret | Page 77 to 93: Anne Conchon – Chapter VI. Transport supply and information economy | Page 95 to 107: Julien Coppier and Denis Varaschin – Chapter VII. Have grit: the departmental archives of Haute-Savoie | Page 109 to 119: Jean-Claude Daumas – Chapter VIII. Lip, archives and history | Page 121 to 130: Éric Godelier – Chapter IX. “Consulting engineers” | Page 131 to 141: Patrice Marcilloux – Chapter X. From company archives to archives of the world of work | Page 143 to 154: Edwin Green and Sara Kinsey – Chapter XI. Corporate archives as corporate assets | Page 155 to 163: Laurent Ducol – Chapter XII. The Blois adventure | Page 165 to 185: Florence Descamps – Chapter XIII. Implement a History function in a large institution | Page 187 to 198: Laure Quennouëlle-Corre – Chapter XIV. Under the glass ceiling, words of bankers | Page 199 to 215: Nicolas Gueugneau – Chapter XV. The strategy of conservation and valorization of Crédit Lyonnais paper financial securities | Page 217 to 225: Marie Laperdrix – Chapter XVI. Supporting the digital transition of organizations | Page 227 to 243: Joke Mooij – Chapter XVII. Women leaders in Dutch financial history | Page 245 to 260: Lorans Tanatar Baruh – Chapter XVIII. Elites in the urban transformation of Istanbul in the 19th century | Page 261 to 270: Patrice Baubeau – Chapter XIX. From strand to ball: archives, banking, currency and Europe… | Page 271 to 278: Jean-Marc Delaunay – Chapter XX. In the heart of Spain, a French banker | Page 279 to 303: André Straus – Chapter XXI. The major German banks and the Reichsbank at the turn of the 20th century | Page 305 to 319: Benoît Doessant – Chapter XXII. The links between the industrialist Ernest Mercier and finance: myth or reality? | Page 321 to 336: Nicolas Marty – Chapter XXIII. The Parisian Union Bank and the project to create an autonomous Catalan State Bank in the early 1930s | Page 337 to 348: Youssef Cassis – Chapter XXIV. Banking archives and memory of financial crises | Page 349 to 360: Éric Bussière – Chapter XXV. French companies and the construction of a European market: banking strategies in 1958-1992 | Page 361 to 385: Samir Saul – Chapter XXVI. COFACE between economic boom and deceleration (1966-1985) | Page 387 to 403: Maurice Hamon – Chapter XXVII. Capitalism, industry and politics: the Geneva bank Saladin and the Manufacture royale des Glaces de France (1702-1830) | Page 405 to 425: Claire Desbois-Thibault – Chapter XXVIII. Archives serving the history of champagne: the emblematic case of J. Moët & Cie (1792-1832) | Page 427 to 440: Sylvie Vabre – Chapter XXIX. Small technology, big effects. The adoption of the standardized mold in the Roquefort cheese industry | Page 441 to 450: Jean-Philippe Bouilloud – Chapter XXX. Being a financier and humorist at the beginning of the 19th century | Page 451 to 467: Nicolas Stoskopf – Chapter XXXI. Attempt to define the High Bank of the 19th century | Page 469 to 493: Hubert Bonin – Chapter XXXII. Piganeau, Bordeaux banker with forgotten power (from the 1850s to the 1890s) | Page 495 to 510: Hervé Joly – Chapter XXXIII. From Banque Perier to Banque Bauer, Marchal & Cie: from irresistible rise to impossible liquidation | Page 511 to 524: Philippe Verheyde – Chapter XXXIV. Joseph and Didier Haguenauer and the Aryanization of Laine Mod’ | Page 525 to 540: Sabine Effosse – Chapter XXXV. Banks and women: from a proxy relationship to the affirmation of the “woman who counts” in the 1950s and 1970s | Page 541 to 557: Alain Michel – Chapter XXXVI. Archives to draw the portrait of Pierre Bézier and construct the landscape of a Renault engineer (1933-1975) | Page 559 to 580: Patrick Fridenson – Chapter XXXVII. A silence from a great corporate archive: the new Renault headquarters (1968-1975) | Page 581 to 591: Florence Hachez-Leroy – Chapter XXXVIII. From innovation in food packaging to the 20th century | Page 593 to 601: Philippe Mioche – Chapter XXXIX. It might no longer continue as before: a look back at the financial crisis in the steel industry in 1978 | Page 603 to 624: Pascal Pénot – Chapter XL. The company Voyage Conseil, “smile of Crédit agricole” (1970-1988) | Page 625 to 637: Michel Pébereau – Chapter XLI. Reflections on the banking changes of the 1980s-2000s | Page 639 to 649: Presentation of the authors | Pages 651 to 663: Index of personal names | Page 665 to 669: End pages.
#Exploring #archives #writing #History #Librairie #Droz #Publications #international #economic #social #history



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