Ursuline Nuns Leave Mons After 4 Centuries: A Page Turns in History

2023-11-15 14:04:00

We announced it to you last June: following 4 centuries of presence in Mons, the nuns of Caillou Blanc, founders of the Ursuline schools, will definitely leave the region. There are only three of them left. Sister Annie, Sister Anne and Sister Marie-Pia had been thinking regarding leaving Mons for quite some time.

“Society is not very supportive of religious vocations and as we have a lack of people here, we decided to leave,” Sister Anne explained to us. “We are joining another community of sisters in France. » It’s a long page that has been turned, because the Ursuline nuns had been present in the city of Doudou since 1648. They formed one of the oldest religious communities in Mons.

Sister Anne leaves Mons. – EG

On October 14, a mass of thanksgiving for the 375 years of presence of the Ursulines in Mons was celebrated at the Sainte-Waudru collegiate church, in the presence of Mgr Harpigny, bishop of Tournai.

Read also A page turns at the Ursulines: following 4 centuries spent in Mons, the nuns of Caillou Blanc will leave the city of Doudou

A song

Another ceremony was organized. It took place in the Ursuline courtyard this Wednesday morning. The three nuns were honored. They spoke to teenagers and teachers. The students also paid tribute to them and even sang a song for them.

The Ursulines organized a ceremony. -DR

Read also 50 students from the Ursulines of Mons went to help flood victims

However, this is not a farewell, but a goodbye. The nuns will remain in contact with the schools that their congregation has founded.

#Ursuline #students #goodbye #Sister #Annie #Sister #Anne #Sister #MariePia



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