Chiba University of Science: The Path to Publicization

2023-11-15 08:34:23

Kake Gakuen, an educational corporation that operates Chiba University of Science in Choshi City, Chiba Prefecture, has requested that Choshi City make the university public.

What is “publicization”, why are they aiming for “publicization”, and what is the management situation of universities? The reporter in charge will tell you.

(Chiba Broadcasting Station Choshi bureau reporter Masamitsu Okane)

Raqqa alien

First of all, what kind of university is “Chiba University of Science”?

gungan reporter

Chiba University of Science is a private university established in 2004 by Kake Gakuen, an educational corporation in Okayama Prefecture, in response to an invitation from Choshi City.

The city lent the university land free of charge and also covered a portion of the installation costs, approximately 7.7 billion yen.

Currently, there are three faculties: the Faculty of Crisis Management, the Faculty of Pharmacy, and the Faculty of Nursing.According to the university’s website, as of May 1st this year, approximately 1,500 students, including graduate school, attend the university.

Exterior of Chiba University of Science Raqqa Alien

I heard that Chiba University of Science has requested to become a public school, but what exactly do you want?

gungan reporter

Currently, the university is operated by the educational corporation “Kake Gakuen”, but they would like Choshi City to establish a new “public university corporation” and transfer the management.

The transition to becoming a “public university corporation” is a system stipulated by the Local Independent Administrative Corporation Law, and has been carried out by more than 10 private universities, including Kochi University of Technology and Shizuoka University of Arts and Culture.

Raqqa alien

Why do you want to go to a public university?

gungan reporter

It may be difficult for a university to operate on tuition fee income alone.

By becoming a public university established by the city, a portion of the operating costs will be covered by local grants from the national government, and operating costs will be covered by both tuition income and contributions from the city. .

In order to stabilize the university’s management, the city consulted Choshi City, which had attracted the university in the first place, regarding making it public.

Raqqa alien

It must have been very difficult to manage.

gungan reporter

Chiba University of Science is currently under capacity in all three faculties, and as the birthrate continues to decline, the business environment is expected to become even more difficult.

The school corporation says that if the city funds the school’s operating costs by making it a public school, it will be easier to attract students by lowering tuition fees.

Raqqa alien

How will Choshi City respond to requests?

gungan reporter

We have set up a committee of experts to discuss the issue, but the key question is how to cover operating costs.

As Choshi City is experiencing a significant decline in population and is facing financial difficulties, we would like to hear opinions from various quarters as to whether it is possible to operate the city by contributing within the scope of local grants from the national government without touching general revenue sources. I plan on listening and considering it.

Mayor Koshikawa said at a press conference:

Shinichi Koshikawa, Mayor of Choshi

The environment surrounding universities is extremely difficult. I strongly hope that it will continue, but on the other hand, given the city’s difficult financial situation, there is also the issue of whether it will be able to withstand the new financial burden. We will carefully decide whether or not to turn the university into a public university corporation.

Raqqa alien

I still don’t know what the future holds.

gungan reporter

This time, the city has only announced that it will start considering the request for “publicization,” and a decision on how to respond will be made later.

We are paying attention to what kind of decision the city will make, considering the circumstances that led to the city inviting the university in the first place.

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