The Shocking Truth About Supermarket Theft: A Study by HUMO Reveals Alarming Statistics

2023-11-15 14:24:09

A study recently came out and was published by our colleagues at HUMO. In it, a security expert in supermarkets explains, for example, that a quarter of supermarket customers leave at least one product in their shopping cart to take home, but without paying for it.

This study was carried out following more than 500 million checks over the past five years. “A check of the beer crates showed that only 40% of them had been paid honestly“, explains Tom Symons, the author of the study. Indeed, according to him, of all the cases of beer that leave stores, only around 40% are scanned.

This shocking result is the result of a month-long inspection we carried out in a Belgian hypermarket earlier this year. The merchant thought he was selling around 70 packs of beer per week, when in reality 180 were sold: 110 were not paid for“, he adds.

According to the expert, if previously thefts were rare, they are becoming more and more frequent. “As a cashier, it is physically impossible to see the entire contents of a cart. During the investigation, we naturally intervened when someone left with an unpaid cash register. The customer caught in the act would usually respond promptly with ‘Oops, I forgot to say, sorry.’”.

Others even play on bad faith by explaining “that it is up to the store to check that everything is paid for, and not the customer”.

Belgium is still one of the worst performers in terms of shoplifting. In a 2019 study, we found that merchants lost around 1.9% of their turnover due to theft.

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