Anti-aging: our exercises to keep your eyes looking their best

2023-11-08 22:17:46

To perform these exercises as best as possible, we advise you to redesign them and, possibly, make them larger in order to perform the exercises in better conditions.

If myopia and astigmatism are vision defects or disorders, presbyopia is a normal process of aging of the eye. As we age, the eye gradually loses its ability to “focus” on an object. THE symptoms of presbyopia ? As soon as you have difficulty reading a newspaper or a book or you need to increase the brightness, you have to ask yourself questions… In general, presbyopia appears around the age of 45.

And although presbyopia is inevitable and almost impossible to prevent, certain good reflexes can help delay the aging of the eye:

  • prevent and control presbyopia by regularly consulting a vision specialist,
  • be vigilant regarding the care of certain chronic diseases which tend to weaken the eye such as diabetes or hypertension…
  • protect your eyes from the sun.

Exercises to slow down eye aging

Certain exercises can also help delay the appearance of the first symptoms of presbyopia and allow you to enjoy excellent vision for longer. We selected 4:

  • Exercise n°1: arrows

With your eyes, follow the path of the arrows, starting at the top left. Once you reach the end, go back in the other direction.

Place the image approximately 50 cm from you, at face level, arms outstretched. Look at the two pink dots and imagine a third dot located in the middle, behind, as if your gaze were crossing the page. The image of the two points gradually becomes blurred, splits and a third point appears.

  • Exercise n°3: the spiral
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Follow the spiral with your eyes, from the outside to the inside. Once at the end, go back in the other direction, from the inside to the outside.

  • Exercise n°4: palming

To be practiced between each of the other exercises in order to rest the eyes and relieve eye tension. Place the cupped palms of your hands in front of your closed eyes, fingers squeezed together so as not to let the light pass through, without pressing on the eyeballs or the nose. Continue for as long as necessary.

To read. “My Stop Presbyopia Notebook: visual rehabilitation exercises” : a wealth of super-easy and fun exercises to take care of your eyes on a daily basis. By Sophie Lacoste, ed. Mosaic-Health, €9.

[Dossier] Seeing well, eye health under the microscope – 17 articles to consult

#Antiaging #exercises #eyes

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