2023 Indonesian Film Festival Citra Cup Winners: Women from Rote Island Takes Top Honors

2023-11-14 15:58:41

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Awards night Indonesian Film Festival Citra Cup (FFI) 2023 was completed on Tuesday (14/11) evening. In this event, Women from Rote Island was named FFI’s Best Long Story Film.

Not only that, the film also won all the categories for which it was nominated, namely Best Feature Film, Best Director, Best Original Screenwriter and Best Director of Cinematography.



Apart from Women from Rote Island, Like & Share was also one of the films that won a number of trophies, especially in technical categories, such as Best Artistic Direction, Best Picture Editor and Best Sound Engineer.

On this occasion, HM Soleh Ruslani and Raam Punjabi were awarded the Lifetime Achievement for their dedication and hard work in the Indonesian film industry. The 2023 Indonesian Film Festival (FFI) will be held live at Ciputra Artpreneur.

Meanwhile, Budi Pekerti, a film that received 17 nominations, came home with two trophies, namely Best Female Supporting Actor for Prilly Latuconsina and Best Female Main Actor for Sha Ine Febriyanti.

[Gambas:Video CNN]

The following is the complete list of winners of the 2023 FFI Citra Cup.

Best Male Lead:

Reza Rahardian – Cruel Revenge

Best Female Lead:

Sha Ine Febriyanti – Good Character

Best Director:

Jeremias Nyangoen – Women from Rote Island

Best Feature Film:

Women from Rote Island

Best Male Supporting Actor:

Marthino Lio – The Big 4

Best Female Supporting Actor:

Prilly Latuconsina – Good Character

Best Original Screenwriter:

Jeremias Nyangoen – Women From Rote Island

Best Adapted Screenwriter:

M Irfan Ramli – 24 Hours with Gaspar

Best Director of Cinematography:

Joseph Christoforus Folid – Women From Rote Island

Best Artistic Director:

Dita Gambiro – Like & Share

Best Visual Effects Artist:

Kalvin Irawan – Sri Asih

Best Photo Editor:

Aline Jusria – Like & Share

Best Sound Engineer:

Aria Prayogi, M Ichsan Rachmaditta, Muhammad Akbar Patawari – Like & Share

Best Music Arranger:

Abel Huray – A Long Way Don’t Forget to Come Home

Best Theme Song Creator:

Yura Yunita, Donne Maulana, Marchella FP – Jalan Pulang; It’s a long way to go, don’t forget to come home

Best Fashion Stylist:

Retno Ratih Damayanti – Poetry of Love that Kills

Best Makeup Artist:

Handradjasa Actress – Sri Asih

Best Short Animated Film:


Best Short Story Film:

Evacuate Mama Emola

Best Feature-Length Documentary Film:


Best Short Documentary Film:

Wisisi Knit Meke

Tanete Pong Masak Award (Best Film Criticism):

Like & Share: What Wasn’t Captured from the KBGO Recording – Permata Adinda

2023 FFI Dhalia Awards (Viewer’s Choice Actress):

Rachel Vennya – Sleep Call

AN Alcaff FFI Award 2023 (Viewer’s Choice Actor):

Refal Hady – When Stopped Here

2023 FFI Lilik Sudio Award (Viewer’s Choice Film):

When Stopping Here

2023 FFI Citra Cup Lifetime Service Award:

1. HM Soleh Ruslani
2. Raam Punjabi


#Complete #List #FFI #Citra #Cup #Winners



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