Understanding the Life-Threatening Complications of Type 2 Diabetes: Cardiovascular, Kidney, Foot, Eye, and Nerve Diseases

2023-11-14 13:39:54

Type 2 diabetes: These complications can be life-threatening

1. Cardiovascular diseases

Diabetes is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks or strokes. The disease promotes obesity, poor blood lipid levels and high blood pressure – all factors that damage both our heart and our blood vessels. According to the Technicians’ Health Insurance Arteriosclerosis progresses more quickly in diabetics, the flow properties of the blood deteriorate and narrowing occurs more frequently in the blood vessels. The structure of the heart muscle can also change.

2. Kidney disease

But other organs are also put under strain by type 2 diabetes. These include, for example, our kidneys, which play an important role in detoxifying the body. Both high blood sugar levels and high blood pressure can damage the filters in the kidneys and cause holes to form that become larger over time. All damage to the kidneys caused by diabetes is referred to as diabetes-associated nephropathy or kidney disease.

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3. Diabetic foot

Another consequence of diabetes is diabetic foot. Over time, the high blood sugar level caused by diabetes attacks the nerves. The sense of pain decreases due to the damaged nerves, which is why smaller wounds and injuries often go unnoticed. Since this often affects the feet, the complaint is referred to as diabetic foot. Other signs include a reduced sense of temperature and pain, dry skin and numbness. In the worst case scenario, the affected person’s foot may have to be amputated.

4. Diseases of the eyes

Diabetes can also damage the vessels in the back of the eye, which can result in various eye diseases. This usually only becomes noticeable in the advanced stages through symptoms such as dark spots and blurred or blurred vision. If the retina detaches, those affected can even go blind. Diabetes also promotes both glaucoma and cataracts.

5. Diseases of the nerves

Diabetes can cause nerve damage, which can lead to loss of sensation, paralysis, and other problems. The exact cause of nerve damage in diabetes is not yet fully understood. However, several factors are thought to work together, including high blood sugar levels, oxidative stress and autoimmune reactions.

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