Lambert Wilson’s Latest Film Preview in Dordogne

2023-11-14 13:16:51

Lambert Wilson will stop at Mussidan and Buisson-de-Cadouin next November 25. The actor comes to preview his latest film “5 hectares” in preview, with director Émilie Deleuze. The film “5 hectares” tells the story of Franck (Lambert Wilson) who changes his life. He bought five hectares in Limousin and wanted to buy a tractor to take care of it. The film was not shot in Dordogne according to Ciné Passions, but in Limousin and Lot-et-Garonne. It will be released in preview on December 27.

At 4 p.m., this November 25, the film will be screened at the Lux cinema in Buisson de Cadouin, then a second time from 7 p.m., an anniversary evening is organized at the Notre-Dame de Mussidan cinema for the 20th anniversary of the establishment .

A regular at Lux

Lambert Wilson is coming to Dordogne for the fourth time. He has already come to the Lux cinema in Buisson-de-Cadouin three times, the last time, in 2010, to present “men and gods” where he interacted with the public as at the Cannes festival.

5 HECTARES Trailer (2023) Lambert Wilson

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#Cinema #actor #Lambert #Wilson #present #film #tractor #Dordogne

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