2023-11-14 08:34:14
Stefi Roitmanhappily married to Ricky Montaner. spoke of the clan patriarch’s announcement, Ricardo of leave his musical career on standby.
After Ricardo Montaner announced his temporary retirement from music, Stefi featured in dialogue with Catalina Dlujgi on Once Diez, who “It is a very personal decision of my father-in-law, he brought the whole family together, all the Montaners, we accompanied him in everything and these are topics that will surely be touched on in the podcast.”
On the other hand, he talked regarding how good it feels to be part of the Montaners and lead a life in Miami. “Marlene was and is like my second mother, without a doubt, I am grateful, I have no words for the doors that my in-laws opened for me, I absorbed that, I grew up in a community. And not just them, my brothers-in-law, brothers-in-law, it’s a family, that’s what you can see.”
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