Online dating: what is the best photo to find love?

2023-11-13 11:39:49

On dating apps, finding love is a bit like playing Russian roulette. It often happens that attractive profiles turn out to be disappointing at the first meeting. in real life. And vice versa: an unusual profile can hide an excellent surprise! Moreover, 54% of users of the Badoo dating application1 consider that profile photos do not reveal the character of users. Conclusion: it would be wrong to stop at a simple photo! But (we understand) it is easier said than done. To put all the chances on your side, it is better to have the most attractive profile photo possible !

Profile photo: what are the best assets to seduce?

The secret to a successful profile photo? Spontaneity ! For 62% of those questioned, a profile photo must be spontaneous, original, funny… but above all not too professional, sexy or retouched! What pushes French singles to match on apps?

  • A broad smile… reveals positivity and kindness which is considered attractive by 71% of respondents1,
  • A pet can help initiate communication and is appreciated by 35% of singles.
  • A style ‘casual chic‘, neither too casual nor too professional allows you to project a confident image and highlight your style.

Profile photo: mistakes to avoid

And if certain elements can be particularly attractive, other small details can turn everything upside down… and discourage potential matches. The biggest love killers spotted in profile photos?

  • photos that are too blurry or with a filter considered unattractive by 40% of those questioned
  • sunglasses that hide the eyes, the look… and establish a bad tone distance.
  • group photos lack personality and tend to indicate that you are not ready to dedicate enough time to the quest for love (since you don’t even bother to take a “proper” profile photo) : 13% single people advise against the use of group photos. Worse, it could be that users have a crush on another person in the group and we are frankly not there to play matchmaker!

For the dating app Badoothe famous Love coach Lucie Mariotti gives his advice and list 10 commandments for a magical profile photo :

  • 1. Current your photo will be!

To put all the chances on your side, we favor a recent photo. No need to post a photo where you would be 10 years old or 10 kg lighter: in any case the pot aux roses will be revealed at the time of the meeting irl ! First of all, it’s not very cool to start a relationship on lies… but if a person is not ready to accept us as we are, there’s really no point in wasting time, right?

  • 2. Authentic you will be there
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Same fight, no point embellishing your profile or pretending anything: anyway, here again, we want someone who is really interested in us.

  • 3. In color you will show yourself
  • 4. Sharp, your photo will be

We saw it above, a blurry photo: that’s no!

  • 5. Representative your photo will be

No need to post a photo where you’re wearing a filter or where you look your best, it’s better to keep it simple… and reserve your best profile for the meeting!

  • 6. In your universe you will reveal yourself and your passions you will show

Well, it is still necessary that said passion is not too divisive: if you are a fan of tuning, if you have a devouring passion for Disney disguises… perhaps it is better not to put it into practice right away. Before. Unless, really, it is a priority criterion in our quest!

  • 7. To your accessories/objects present, be careful you will

Yes, yes, watch out sextoy who faded into the background or your brother in a terry bathrobe…

  • 8. The framing you will check
  • 9. You will watch over the emotion that emerges

Natural is good, of course when you’re at the end of your rope, bedridden by a nasty virus or something…

  • 10. An emoji/sticker that symbolizes you you will add in your description (All except this one??if you don’t want to seem desperate).

1. Survey carried out by CSA for Badoo, among 1,000 people, a national sample representative of the French population aged 18 and over, by self-administered questionnaire online from October 10 to 12, 2023, on an online panel.

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