Bright red bugs | Fidelity

2023-11-12 21:00:57

November is the time of heavy showers and low sun that shines brightly through the clean, washed air under heavy clouds. Rainbows can appear opposite the sun. The sun is down longer than it is up and although it is not yet freezing, many insects are looking for a safe haven for the winter.

When I’m rooting in the garden, I come across ladybugs that were hiding. I also come across other red-and-black insects: fire bugs. I saw them a lot more in the summer. Sometimes they turned tree stumps, paving stones or sandy areas red with their numerous presence. There was always a significant portion of the pack lugging around their butts locked together. They mate while foraging for food continues; fire bugs use their time efficiently!

Firebugs.Sculpture Koos Dijksterhuis

Dangerous or harmful

In recent years, fire bugs have rapidly colonized our country. Only a few years ago they were found in only a few places. I only saw them in Southern Europe. But thanks to the CO2emissions, the eating lovers advanced and are now common throughout the country. Last summer I received regarding five notifications from surprised readers. They not only wondered what kind of beautiful animals they found in their garden, but also whether they were dangerous or harmful.

I wouldn’t pinch them, you never know what they’ll do. This applies to all animals, including humans. If you pinch fire bugs, they can emit a foul odor that lingers on your fingers. Other than that they can’t do any harm. They don’t bite, they don’t sting, they don’t eat your supplies, clothes and books, they don’t even come into the house. Fire bugs eat animal waste, but especially vegetarian food. They store plant toxins, and their bright red warns birds not to eat them.

I always cover the ladybirds and fire bugs that have been disturbed by my rooting with some moss, while I wish them a refreshing winter’s sleep.

Three times a week, biologist Koos Dijksterhuis writes regarding something that grows or blooms. Read his previous Nature Diaries here.

#Bright #red #bugs #Fidelity



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