Everything you need to know about damiana and its aphrodisiac effects

2023-11-13 19:00:00

What is damiana?

Damiana is a plant that belongs to the Passifloraceae family. “Like cocoa, for example damiana has been used and considered by the Mayans and Aztecs as an aphrodisiac plant for many centuries. Other virtues are also associated with it: toning, relaxing, antibacterial, circulatory, regulating blood sugar…” illustrates Sarah-Maria LeBlanc, herbalist-therapist.

The origin of the plant

Damiana is a plant native to North, Central and South America, and therefore mainly to hot and humid climate : it needs a lot of light. According to the Reference Encyclopedia of Natural Medicines (source 1), there are more than 130 species used by traditional medicines in different countries.

The evolution of its name

“Its botanical name”turnera aphrodisiac” was gradually replaced to become: “tour diffuse” – possiblyfor puritanical reasons”, specifies Sarah-Maria LeBlanc, also a specialist in women’s health and author of “I love my hormones“published by Jouvence and co-author of”Wisdom and Powers of the Female Cycle” published by Le Souffle d’Or.

Its appearance and composition

The damiana is a shrub that can measure one to two meters in height. It flowers throughout the summer season with pretty small yellow flowers of a few millimeters with five petals. Its aromatic flavor gives off a strong and sweet smell, reminiscent of chamomile.

What are the aphrodisiac benefits of damiana (libido…)

Like other plants, damiana is a popular alternative for men and women who are looking to improve their sex life (source 2). “Its aphrodisiac virtues are explained firstly by its content of flavonoids contained in the leaves, which stimulate blood circulation to the genitals and increase the acuity of sensations. Secondly, they are also explained by the presence of pinocembrin and acatein, two molecules that inhibit the activity of a specific enzyme, aromatization (which converts testosterone into estrogen)” reports a study (source 3). “And by limiting this enzymatic transformation, – aromatization, it helps increase testosterone levels in the body and its actions on the libido” continues Sarah-Maria LeBlanc.

Particularly in men, damiana would also have positive effects in increasing the quality of the erection and slowing down ejaculation. “

In women, it is better known for improving vaginal lubrication, particularly during menopause, and facilitating orgasm. Sarah-Maria LeBlanc, herbalist-therapist.

How to consume diamana to get the best benefits from it? (in herbal tea, powder, etc.)

In herbal medicine, it is the leaves of the damiana which are used: “These are dried then crushed in the form of dry extracts; then packaged in capsules or tablets, alone or combined with other plant extracts” details the ‘herbalist. When damiana is combined with ginseng and ginkgo, “it would indeed have an action on sexual desire, the reduction of vaginal dryness, the frequency of sexual intercourse and orgasm as well as on clitoral sensation” notes a published study in the National Library of Medicine (source 4).
To improve its aphrodisiac benefits, you can also combine damiana extract with minerals such as zinc or magnesium or even trace elements, such as selenium or arginine.

Can damiana be smoked?

Still according to the Reference Encyclopedia of Natural Medicines (source 1), “the plant is sometimes smoked for its narcotic potential.” However, there is no scientific evidence to support this.

Cultivation point around the plant

“Among the Guayacura indigenous people, it is also custom to offer, as a token of fertility, to the young bride: a drink made from damiana” reports the herbalist. She adds: “There was a time when the leader of this people had even decided to ban this tradition because of the powerful aphrodisiacs that it contains. released. »

Consume damiana (turnera diffusa) in the form of a drink

You can in fact consume damiana in a liquid version. In his book “Erotic Botany“, Diana De Luca suggests preparing it as iced tea, in an infusion mixed with mint and rose or even letting it macerate with vanilla extract.

When and how to take damiana?

Damiana can be taken occasionally, from puberty, in the right dosage and provided there are no medical contraindications. The recommended dosage of damiana is 2 to 4 g per day. This plant can also be eaten and curelasting two weeks to 6 months: “This will allow you to derive maximum benefits in terms of its hormonal action” adds the herbalist.

Where to buy damiana?

It can be bought in herbalists, in some specialty stores type organic brands but also in certain drugstores. If it is possible to obtain it on the internet, “you must check that it is organically grown to ensure its quality and effectiveness” specifies Sarah-Maria LeBlanc.

How long to store it and how?

In the form of leaves : “It is important to dry them quickly, in a dark and dry place (warm and well ventilated). They can be kept like this for an average of one year” indicates Sarah-Maria LeBlanc. The herbalist adds: “In hydroalcoholic extractalso called mother tincture, stored in a tinted glass bottle, damiana can be kept for around ten years.”

Contraindications, dangers and side effects

Contraindications : Due to its anti-aromatase action, the use of damiana might be contraindicated in people with a personal or family history of breast cancer. “Moderate relationship… because some researchers would affirm the opposite. If in doubt, it will therefore be preferable to refrain from taking it” recommends the herbalist-therapist.
It is also not recommended for pregnant women to take it: “This plant, called “emmenagogue”, promotes the onset of menstruation.”

Side effects : At high doses, taking food supplements containing damiana is likely to cause side effects such as insomnia, headaches, gastrointestinal disorders.

Attention : certain components of damiana might have toxic effects if consumed in very high doses.

Ultimately: although in appearance, so-called natural products seem healthier than certain chemical components, their consumption remains unchanged. not without health risks. Obtaining the advice of a health professional will therefore be advisable in order to give the correct dosage.

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