???? Müller’s Parakeet – Definition and Explanations

2023-11-13 03:35:52


Müller’s parakeet Classification (COI) Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Subembr. Vertebrata Class Aves Order Psittaciformes Family Psittacidae Subfamily Psittacinae Genus Tanygnathus Binominal name (In taxonomy (botany, zoology, etc.), the binomial name, or binomial, comes from the…) Tanygnathus sumatranus
(Raffles, 1822) IUCN conservation status:

LC: Minor concern

The Müller’s Parakeet (Tanygnathus sumatranus) is a species (In the life sciences, the species (from the Latin species, “type”…) of bird (A bird (or class of Aves) is a tetrapod animal belonging at the branch of…) belonging to the family Psittacidae.


This bird measures approximately 32 cm. Its plumage is predominantly green, darker in the female (In biology, female (from the Latin “femella”, small woman, young woman) is the…). The rump is blue (Blue (from the old High German “blao” = bright) is one of the three colors…) sky (The sky is the atmosphere of the Earth as it is seen from the ground of the planet.). The irises are yellow and the legs gray.

Sexual dimorphism is not very marked: the beak (A beak, in the strict sense, is an external anatomical structure which allows food intake and…) is red. …) in the male and pink in the female.


This species lives in forests near fields and in wetlands below 500 m altitude (Altitude is the vertical elevation of a place or object relative to a level…) .


The Müller’s Parakeet is represented by seven very similar subspecies:

sumatranus ; sangirensis; burdidgii; everetti; duponti; freeri ; heterurus (sometimes elevated to the rank of species).


This species is mainly nocturnal.


This bird populates the Philippines (The Republic of the Philippines is a country made up of an archipelago of…), the islands of the Sea (The term sea covers several realities.) of Sulu (The Sulu archipelago, made up of coral islets and sandbanks, stretches over 300…), the Talaud and Sangihe islands, the Celebes and the neighboring islands.


Forshaw JM (2006) Parrots of the World. An identification guide. Princeton University Press, Princeton, Oxford, 172 p. del Hoyo J., Elliott A. & Sargatal J. (1997) Handbook of the Birds of the World, Volume 4, Sandgrouse to Cuckoos. BirdLife International (Birdlife international is a non-governmental organization (NGO), of international scope,…), Lynx (The genus Lynx of the feline family (Felidae) and the feline subfamily…) Edicions , Barcelona, ​​679 p. Mario D. & Conzo G. (2004) The big book of parrots. de Vecchi, Paris (Paris is a French city, capital of France and the capital of the region…), 287 p.
#Müllers #Parakeet #Definition #Explanations



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