The Bond Between Humans and Dogs: Decoding the Science Behind It

2023-11-12 18:05:00

Dogs are man’s best friends. Another example of human-animal companionship is the unwavering bond between humans and dogs. Is it just friendship with the feeder? What is the science behind it? It’s amazing how two different species can be best friends for thousands of years. What explanation can science give for such a long friendship?

“Yudhishthira walked forward once more. He was alone among the Pandavas. Still one person was following him. A dog.”

Researchers are now able to penetrate the secrets of the human-dog heart connection. Through new technologies such as molecular biology, genome sequencing and MRI, we have learned that parallel evolution has occurred in dogs.

Crushed is the key to love

A team of researchers in Japan says that the action of oxytos, a hormone that causes affection between people, is the reason for the intense bond between dogs and humans. Researchers found that owners experienced a surge in the hormone oxytocin when their pet dogs gazed into their eyes. This very dramatic change was also present in dogs.

Oxytocin is the hormone that surges in the brains of mothers when they look into their babies’ eyes. It is the action of this hormone that induces maternal affection and attention. This is how the deep bond between mother and child is formed. Looking eye to eye is the way to warm relationships. Not only mother-infant affection, but also the stimulation of the brain and oxytocin activity that occurs when suitors and sexual partners gaze eye-to-eye.

According to the latest findings, dogs have inherited this ancient biological process. The process has thereby strengthened the bonds since humans first domesticated them thousands of years ago. “The human-dog relationship can be carried so easily because of selfish friendship. Behind it is the play of oxytocin,” says scientist Takefumi Kikuzui.

Kikuzui and colleagues conducted a series of experiments to uncover how humans and dogs form their unique bond. Initially around 30 dog owners and their dogs were observed playing with each other for half an hour. They included golden retrievers, poodles, jack russell terriers and german shepherds. There were both males and females in the group. The researchers learned a few things from the urine tests the dogs and their owners took 30 minutes before and following the games.

Dogs whose dogs spent more time staring into their owners’ eyes had higher levels of oxytoxin in their urine. A similar effect was observed in their dogs. In the next step, they took the experiment a step further. This time, the research team sprayed either saline or a single dose of the hormone oxytocin over the dogs’ noses. They also found that dogs that received more oxytocin spent more time making eye-to-eye contact.

In 2015, a scientific paper was published in the world-renowned Science magazine, explaining how dogs have hijacked the secret passages of human relationships. This is one of the best examples of the phenomenon of convergent evolution. This means that the same traits have evolved in two different species at different times.

Dogs have evolved to copy the silent ways of communication between humans. By changing the chemical environment in the brain through gaze or through the act of telling stories in the literature, dogs have evolved this biological function in their own brains to produce the same feeling in two humans. Arguably, humans and dogs evolved along different paths to fine-tune their brains and nervous systems to make communication and emotional communication more effective.

The talent shown by dogs to steal such subtle workings of the human brain and communicate with the human heart has helped them to become man’s best friend. Dogs must have learned the secret that humans cannot abandon them if unconditional, friendly communication without words is possible with an animal. When oxytocin releases pleasure and peace chemicals like dopamine and endorphins in the body, the sight of dogs and humans looking at each other can be as satisfying as a mother, girlfriend or best friend.

Digestive power changed when the menu changed

When the man who lived without a fixed abode by hunting and gathering vegetables “settled” as a farmer who grew starchy grains, his companion dogs also changed their menu. The ability of carnivorous dogs to digest starch (starch) was nominal at that time. But researchers have now discovered the secret of how dogs survived that crisis.

In a paper published in Nature journal in 2013, Eric Axelson and his team explained the science of the biological evolution of dogs to eat with humans. They pointed out that three genes that give genetic messages to produce salivary amylase, a biochemical that can digest starch, were selected as the reason for the change in the dog’s digestion ability. They are AMY2B, MGAM, and SGLT1. of Jat Three genes that play an important role in digestion. The awakening of three genes helped dogs to adapt when humans changed their diet.

Heart touching eyes

Have you ever noticed that dogs look at human faces? How innocent and a little sad look it is. A dog is a pet that desperately wants to get a look, to have a human’s attention on him. Puppies start this attempt to get attention from regarding four weeks of age. Those who raise and love the dog, feel that the dog’s pitiful, sad expression in the eyes touches the heart.

A paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reveals why dogs’ faces and eyes have developed complex expressions that their ancestors, wolves, did not.

Since these two muscles are not developed in wolves, this physical change can be considered another biological trick that the dog used to succeed in its evolution as a domesticated dog.

This change has helped them to communicate more cordially with humans and strengthen their relationships. The retractor anguli oculi lateralis and levator anguli oculi medialis (RAOL and LAOM) muscles work together to enable special movement of the eyes by giving them a ‘cute look’ and help to seduce the human heart.

To understand the meaning of the words

It has been a long time since the close association between dog and man? Time and experience have changed them so that they can be better known and understood. We now know more regarding how dogs understand human speech with the publication of research by Andics and colleagues in the journal Science, published on September 2, 2016. They studied the way a dog’s brain works to understand the words we say and the sound of our voices.

Amazingly, dogs use the same parts of the brain that we use to understand the emotion of words and sounds! The left hemisphere of the brain helps humans understand the meaning of words. The left side of the dog’s brain also responds strongly to the words we use to praise dogs.

A special part of the right hemisphere of the dog’s brain tries to recognize the phonetic and emotional aspects of words. The most important thing comes next. The part of the dog’s brain that makes you feel happy only lights up when the words and their sound and feel are good. This means that the dog’s brain has changed to understand not only words but also the way we say them. Although the dog cannot speak, the dog can understand the meaning of human words. If the words become music, they will recognize it.

#tricks #dogs #mans #friends #interesting #quest



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