Eight former Ibero-American presidents supported Javier Milei in the runoff race

2023-11-12 15:54:51

Eight former Ibero-American leaders who participated in a political forum of center-right and right-wing leaders, expressed in the last hours their support for the libertarian candidate Javier Miley, in the race to the crucial runoff next weekend. Headed by the former president Mauricio Macri and with the support of the Nobel Prize Mario Vargas Llosathe former leaders who “Argentina’s only way out is with the rules of the game of liberal democracy” and they described Kirchnerism as “a regime.” They defined Kirchnerism as a “regime.”

“A new mandate from the Kirchnerist space would bury the fragile antibodies that Argentina still maintains once morest economic populism, authoritarianism and political corruption, and the corporatist pact,” the statement that emerged began. prior to the dispute over networks between former president Mauricio Macri and Gerardo Morales.

Mauricio Macri and Gerardo Morales, hitting the networks at midnight

The members of the freedom and democracy group, including former president Mauricio Macri, Mariano Rajoy (Spain), Sebastián Piñeira (Chile), Vicente Fox and Felipe Calderón (Mexico), Iván Duque and Andrés Pastrana (Colombia), Luis Fortuño (Puerto Rico) and Jorge Quiroga (Bolivia).

The statement emerged as a consequence of the political forum of center-right and right-wing leaders founded on March 17, as a counterweight to the São Paulo Forum and the Puebla Group. The statement stated: “Kirchnerism, a political space that practically hegemonized Argentine political life during the 21st century, aspires to obtain a fifth term, this time headed by Sergio Massa, Minister of Economy of a stagnant country, with three-digit inflation. , record poverty over 40 percent and unemployment that is barely disguised by welfare and social plans.

She, Macri’s plan?

In addition, they argued that the candidate Sergio Massa “represents the continuity of a failed corporate economic model and institutions that, instead of allowing Argentina to grow along with its neighboring countries, have kept it in permanent stagnation for decades.”

And they added that “the cost of these perverse economic policies was rampant inflation, widespread poverty and the economic anguish of millions of Argentines who see their standard of living collapsing daily.” At the same time they warned that Massa “starkly proposes the confusion of State-Government-Party.”

According to the document presented by the former presidents, the current Minister of Economy uses the mechanisms, organizations and human and economic resources “that should be at the service of citizens as a battering ram once morest the opposition, as a bargaining chip to engage in clientelism and as a beachhead. for their militancy, their own version of La Cámpora that revolves around them”.

Javier Milei and the right-wing international

And they argued that “Massa’s project is nothing more than the original project of Néstor and Cristina Kirchner: achieving political hegemony by dint of budget and punishment of the opposition.” According to the position of the former presidents, it was the responsibility of Kirchnerism to associate them with “the worst governments on the planet, as well as to manage the regional dictatorships of Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua.” Likewise, they denounced a close link between “the Kirchnerist regime and the narco-criminal gangs that caused the entry of these criminal organizations “putting the State’s law enforcement forces in check.”

“Massa represents the continuity of this sad situation,” they stressed, and stated that, despite the marked differences with Milei, “in the face of this threat” the deputy of La Libertad Avanza is the only option since “he believes in the ideas of freedom and has a very accurate diagnosis regarding the country’s economic problem.”

The drama of an activist who spoke before an empty room at the Human Rights Forum: “I still cannot believe the mistreatment”

For their part, they highlighted the support of Together for Change for Milei and stated that “it represents the hope of change in the face of the continuity of the Kirchnerist model.”

“Argentina’s only way out is with political and economic freedom, respect for the rule of law and private property, and with the rules of the game of liberal democracy, the social market economy, social justice and modernity. Argentina has everything to offer.” return to being a developed and exemplary country. It is our hope and desire that Argentines democratically eradicate at the polls the model that binds them to populism, economic backwardness and political authoritarianism and, finally, opt for change towards freedom, progress and justice,” they concluded.


#IberoAmerican #presidents #supported #Javier #Milei #runoff #race



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