10th Anniversary International Meetings of Social Innovation Riis – Enterprise for a Just Transition

2023-11-12 16:38:00

The International Meetings of Social Innovation (Riis) are celebrating their 10th anniversary, on the theme “Enterprise for a just transition”, on November 28, at the Cité de l’Économie et des Métiers de Tomorrow in Montpellier. Launched in 2013 by the network of Cooperative and Participatory Societies (Scop) in partnership with the Occitanie Region, the Riis invite entrepreneurs, academics and consultants to dialogue every year.

This year, from the opening of the meetings, visitors will be able, for example, to find Fatima Bellaredj, president of the Alter’Lab Orientation Council and general delegate of the general confederation of SCOPs and cooperative societies of collective interest (Scic) , Maxime Lonlas, business and cooperation attaché at the General Delegation of Quebec in Paris, René Moreno, regional advisor responsible for the social and solidarity economy, and Imen Ouardani, former vice-mayor of Sousse (Tunisia) and expert technical support from GIZ (German agency for international development cooperation in Tunisia). More information and registration online.

International meetings of social innovation (Riis). November 28, 2023 at the City of the Economy and Trades of Tomorrow in Montpellier, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

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