The Ultimate Guide to Fiber-Rich Foods: Health Benefits, Sources, and Types

2023-11-12 13:00:00

Foods rich in fiber are a fantastic health asset, a slimming ally and a transit accelerator. Most plant products have it, some more than others, particularly cereals and legumes.

25 grams per day. This is the minimum recommended daily fiber intake. However, in France, the results are well below the recommended thresholds. In question ? A modern diet low in fiber and high in sugar and saturated fats. However, the numerous health benefits of fiber have been proven. But what exactly are we talking regarding? These are components naturally present in plant foods, in stems and seeds. They constitute a determining factor for our digestion since they are not digestible by the action of digestive enzymes, they will be essential for the proper functioning of the large intestine. How ? The fibers will ferment, feeding the good bacteria present in the colon so that they can develop. As a result, they will promote intestinal transit and allow the regulation of blood sugar and cholesterol levels. And that’s not all, they are also effective in preventing weight gain, cardiovascular disease, colon cancer and type II diabetes.

Where is the most fiber found?

These key foods, good for health, are found in a long list of plant products: vegetables, whole grains, seeds and oilseeds, legumes. Some foods of animal origin contain it but sporadically. The food category that holds the prize for the highest source of fiber is undoubtedly whole grain products: oatmeal, wheat, buckwheat, bulgur, millet, quinoa, sorghum. , barley, rye… Legumes are also an excellent source of fiber: peas, beans, soya, beans, corn and even lentils. It is also found in many fruits and vegetables: artichoke, prunes, raspberries, salsify, cabbage, parsnips, blackcurrants, figs, pears, apples, plums, in different tubers: potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes… Without forgetting the many nuts: hazelnuts, coconut, almond, pecans, hazelnuts. They are found in a few seeds that can enhance your salads: sesame seeds, pine nuts… Not forgetting the spices: coriander, curry, pepper… And for those with a sweet tooth, chocolate is rich in antioxidants, magnesium and fiber. A good way to treat yourself while taking care of your transit.

Soluble or insoluble fiber?

There are two categories of fiber: soluble and insoluble. The former are mainly present in fruits and vegetables, legumes and tubers. They produce a sort of gel which will facilitate the elimination of waste in the intestine and thus slow down the absorption of sugars and fats. They are complementary to insoluble fibers, present in cereals in particular, which are less “fermentable” and act more on digestive contraction and have a direct effect on transit. Their disadvantage is the production of bloating and gas.

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