EPICURA Opens Largest Dentistry Center in Mons-Borinage Region

2023-11-10 14:03:00

A few weeks ago, Baudour hospital which is part of the EPICURA network has a brand new dental center, the largest in the entire Mons-Borinage region. Equipped with 9 offices and including 9 specialties linked to dentistry, the new 430 m² center was built for a total investment of 1.3 million euros. “This new center will allow the patient to be followed from A to Z with us,” explains Christophe Maillard, pediatric dentist and head of the dentistry department. “In a few weeks, we will welcome an oral hygienist who will be on the front line in dentistry. She will be in charge of the patient’s first examination and will be able to refer them to the specialist who will thus be able to save a lot of time. “

“We wanted to increase the care of our patients with eight dental offices and one for maxilofacial surgery and thus offer their entire treatment plan within the center. There is a pediatric dentist, general dentists, an endo-dentist who has a powerful microscope to be even more precise in dental care.”

Last October, the Baudour hospital opened a nephrogeriatric unit.

The new center will also have a team of orthodontists who will be equipped with an optical camera, more effective and more pleasant for the patient than dental paste, with 3D modeling of the patient’s mouth. “We will thus be able to show him directly what is causing the problem and the various improvements that a treatment might bring regarding. The department has also equipped itself, in terms of medical imaging, with a new scanner machine which allows 2D and 3D which will be very useful in many specialties.”

Epicura has inaugurated the largest dentistry center in Mons-Borinage. ©Th.D.Epicura has inaugurated the largest dentistry center in Mons-Borinage. ©Th.D.

For the general manager of Epicura, the dentistry service has a real social role. “We cannot hide it, dentistry in this hospital is not the most profitable service, it would even be slightly loss-making,” admits François Burhin. “The strengthening of the dentistry and stomatology offer on the Baudour site marks an important step in our commitment to excellence in care and the well-being of patients and staff. It also has a very important social role because poor dental hygiene can then reveal other health problems. This new offer aims not to be profitable but to respond to a real public health need. Epicura pays particular attention to oral care children. A lack of monitoring from childhood can indeed have long-term consequences.”

With this new dentistry center, the largest in the Mons-Borinage region, the Epicura hospital, which already welcomed 10,000 patients and carried out 20,000 consultations per year, hopes to further improve these figures.

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