Breaking the Taboos: Understanding Movember and Men’s Health

2023-11-11 09:59:00

After Pink October, the women’s movement once morest breast cancer, it’s time for Movember! Every year, at the beginning of November, men grow mustaches during the Movember movement in order to break the taboos linked to prostate and testicular cancers.

A cancer of age

Professor Laurent Guy, head of the urology department at the University Hospital, treats these cancers. And for him, Movember is quite a good idea: “Male cancers, prostate and testicles, were little-known cancers. If this can encourage men to get screened, especially from the age of 45/50, that’s a good thing.”
What are these male cancers? “Nearly 99% of prostate cancers are mainly linked to aging: if all men became 100 years old, they would all have prostate cancer!”

The prostate without taboos

A cancer that is increasingly treatable. But even if treatments are progressing, it is above all imaging that has progressed the most, and which allows it to be detected more quickly: thanks to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and more recently PET Scan, screening allows to intervene before the occurrence of metastases which, for this type of cancer, attach to the bones.
But if, as we have seen, its appearance is almost inevitable from a certain age, we can prevent it with a diet less meaty and richer in fruits and vegetables (the Japanese have 10 times less cancer of the prostate than the French!)

The Auvergnats slightly more affected

The Auvergnats, for their part, are, like the Bretons, slightly more affected by these cancers than the other French people without knowing exactly why. Not enough to sink into paranoia, but rather an additional incentive not to neglect screening which begins with a consultation with your general practitioner.

Arnaud Vernet

#November #ClermontFerrand #University #Hospital #encourages #prostate #cancer #screening



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