Saturday November 11, 2023 Weather Forecast: Cold, Windy, and Foggy Conditions Across Morocco

2023-11-11 07:06:36

Here is the weather forecast established by the General Directorate of Meteorology for Saturday November 11, 2023:

– Relatively cold weather in the Atlas, the Rif and the eastern plateaus, at night and in the morning.

– Local foggy formations on the Atlantic coasts.

– Low clouds over the north of the Southern provinces.

– Stable weather and clear to slightly cloudy skies across the country.

– Quite strong wind gusts on the central coasts and the Mediterranean shore.

– Some dust blowers in the interior of the southern provinces.

– Minimum temperatures of around 04/08°C in the Atlas, the Rif and the Eastern High Plateaux, 12/18°C on the coasts, the extreme south-east and the South and 07/13° C on the rest of the country.

– Daily temperatures rising.

– Beautiful to slightly rough seas on the Strait, rough to rough between Mehdia and Tarfaya and slightly rough to rough seas in the Mediterranean and elsewhere.

#Morocco #weather #Saturday #November

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