Institute for Natural Health Protection Bisphenol A: a credible cause of autism and ADHD?

2023-11-10 14:42:51

Dear friend, dear friend,

We used to talk regarding autism. Today, we must say “autism spectrum disorder” or ASD(1).

ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects the patient’s communication and relationships with others(1).

ASD includes Asperger’s syndrome and many other disorders(1).

In the most serious cases, the patient may be disabled and require extensive support.

But there are less severe forms of ASD with which it is possible to lead a more or less “normal” life.

Most of these people will nevertheless need to be supported and protected throughout their lives.(2).

How can we explain the exponential increase in ASD?

The incidence of ASD has increased significantly over 50 years.

In the United States, there were 1 or 2 cases of autism in 10,000 children.(3).

Today we are at 1 in 44(4).

The change of diagnosis that I mentioned partly explains this evolution.

But this is not enough.

The genetic is often invoked(2). However, it also does not explain the sudden increase in ASD.

Scientists are increasingly interested in environmental factors.

Among these causes, the following are often cited:

  • exposure to plastics and endocrine disruptors(5) ;
  • consumption offood additives(6) ;
  • exposure to waves(7) ;
  • poisoning heavy metals(8).
It is possible that the invasion of screens, from a very young age, in everyday life might also have played a role. But many scientists refute this hypothesis, particularly at INSERM(9).

What regarding vaccines? Opinions on the subject are very divided. The majority of scientists think there is no problem(9).

But the controversy still lasts(9).

And, some scientists believe that some children react badly to vaccines(10).

In any case, it is a disorder of the causes multiples.

The country with the highest ASD rate is South Korea : 1 pour 38(11).

It is also the country with the lowest fertility rate (0.8 children per woman)(12).

In South Korea, not only are there no more children but they are often disturbed.

However, this trend is general in industrialized countries.

It’s time to act !

ADHD is also increasing…

In addition to the increase in children affected by ASD, there is an increase in children affected by ADHD or attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity(13).

These are children whose ability to concentrate is limited and who are often impulsive.

They move around, struggle with frustration, and are distracted or inattentive.(13).

ADHD is much less debilitating than ASD, but it is a suffering that sometimes requires appropriate psychological support.

In this area, psychomotor therapists often do remarkable work!

Is the increase in ADHD linked to the same environmental factors as ASD?

Bisphenol A: a poison that remains in the bodies of some children

In September 2023, a new study focusing on bisphenol A (BPA) showed a direct link between the presence of this substance and ASD, such as ADHD(5).

The researchers also studied the link between these disorders and di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) but did not consider the results concerning this second substance to be significant.(5).

The researchers measured the effectiveness of the glucuronidation in three groups of children:

  • a TSA group
  • an ADHD group
  • a control group.
Glucuronidation is the ability of the body to detoxify itself from toxic substances(14).

As a result, glucuronidation is less effective:

  • of 11% among ASD ;
  • of 17% among ADHDers.
Clearly, children who suffer from these disorders have a less ability than others to get rid of harmful substances.

This trend is very marked with BPA and a little less with DEHP(5).

BPA can be found almost everywhere…

Bisphenol A BPA has been known since the 19th century. But its use especially developed with the arrival of plastics in the 1960s.(15).

It is used in two main forms(15) :

  • Les polycarbonates (70%) are used to manufacture products rigid plastic. They are omnipresent on a daily basis: mobile phones, computers, coffee makers, kettleselectrical sockets and switches, safety glazing, bezel glass, DVD, etc.(15).

3% of the polycarbonates used may have food contact. This is the case of baby bottles, bottles, water bottles, plastic containers for storing food, plastic dishes, etc.(16).

  • Epoxy resins (30%) are used to protect objects once morest oxidation such as ship hulls, metal furniture, floors, metal or concrete pipes, tanks, pipes, dental amalgams(15).

11% of these resins would be in contact with food like beer or wine barrels and obviously Cans where the cans(15).

90% of receipts also contain it although the use of BPA has been prohibited since January 1, 2015(17).

Recent work has even identified the presence of BPA in Athletic wear for women, especially bralettes, which is still an absolute scandal(18) !

3 million tonnes of BPA are produced every year(15).

700,000 are consumed in the European Union(15).

Almost everyone is affected

Each time a study is carried out on populations, researchers note significant rates of BPA poisoning.

A 2008 study detected traces of BPA in 93% of the 2,517 participants tested(19).

The younger the participants were, the more they were exposed to BPA.

In 2020, another European study measured BPA in 2,756 adults residing in eleven different European countries.

92% of BPA concentrations found in the participants were superior at the acceptable daily threshold(20).

How to avoid exposure to bisphenol A or BPA?

BPA, over the years, has spread in the soil and in rivers… It is found in tap water and sometimes in the air we breathe(21).

But you can still limit your exposure.

You can, for example(22) :

  • use a carbon water filter;
  • avoid canned food;
  • use glass containers;
  • avoid putting plastic in the microwave,
  • avoid putting plastic in the dishwasher,
  • not keeping receipts,
  • eliminate, as much as possible, plastic packaging in your daily life,
  • use natural cosmetic products.

Detoxify yourself!

Finally, there are several ways to help your body eliminate BPA that he has accumulated.

Sweat is a first way to eliminate toxins(22).

The practice of sauna can thus be useful or the practice of sport provided your clothes do not contain BPA(22) !

Foods that contain folate would also be helpful in eliminating BPA(23).

Broccoli is often mentioned but also soy, miso, amaranth, green vegetables with dark leaves, white beans and flageolets, fresh fruit, whole seeds and eggs, liver(23).

A 2022 review published in the journal Molecules has identified different natural remedies intended to moderate or eliminate the effects of BPA(24).

Among these remedies, we find:

  • Whole pistachios which is a species of pistachio tree used in Ayurvedic medicine;
  • Fenugreeka plant used to stimulate the appetite;
  • Le ginkgo biloba whose neuroprotective effects have been recognized by science;
  • La coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) which helps repair female fertility when it has been damaged by exposure to BPA.
  • Probiotics bifidobacterium breve et lactobacillus casei which would lower BPA levels.

In short, despite the real dangers of BPA, particularly for children, all hope is not lost.

Once once more, the more natural your lifestyle, the lower the risk to you, your children and grandchildren.

Naturally yours,

Augustine of Livois

#Institute #Natural #Health #Protection #Bisphenol #credible #autism #ADHD



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