Sting to Headline the 2024 Lovely Brive Festival: Get the Latest Programming, Ticket Info, and More!

2023-11-10 12:26:33

We know the first headliner for the 2024 edition of the Lovely Brive Festival: the singer Sting will perform the opening concert on July 11 next. A big surprise for the 20th anniversary of the Corrézien festival, which has become unmissable.

Read also

The 23/07/2023

“We broke all records”: the Lovely Brive Festival exceeds 44,000 spectators

An international headliner for the opening concert

After a tour which took him to the United States, Asia and Australia, the English singer will perform in Brive. This date will be one of six that Sting will do in France. The fans will undoubtedly be there. On stage he will perform his greatest hits like “Rock of Gold“, “Roxanne” or “Every breath you take“.

The rest of the programming known on November 23

The continuation of the Lovely Brive Festival program will be announced on November 23 next. The ticket office is already open. Allow a minimum of 172 euros for a “stand up” for the four days of concerts and 226 euros for the “pass assis“.

Last year, more than 44,000 festival-goers came. A memory

To listen

Broadcast on 07/19/2023

Behind the scenes of the Lovely Brive Festival

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#Singer #Sting #opening #Lovely #Brive #Festival #July

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