At Carrefour, eggs victims of shrinkflation

2023-11-10 07:35:39

Eggs at Carrefour: a hidden weight variation?

A Carrefour regular, Gaël, noticed an anomaly in the purchase of his eggs. Every week, he buys a box of 18 Carrefour Original “free-range fresh” eggs, but the size of the eggs seems to fluctuate – sometimes small, sometimes medium, sometimes large – without the price of 4.29 euros per box changing. Daily life Free Midday acted as a relay for Gaël’s discovery, which began to attract the attention of other consumers… but also associations.

The question is valid : why this variation in caliber without price adjustment? Gaël highlights on X (ex-Twitter) a significant difference in weight, of up to 20% between large and small eggs. The former weigh on average 63 grams, the latter 53 grams.

War and tensions influence egg prices

The affair of shrinking eggs has, unsurprisingly, caught the eye of the consumer association 60 Millions de Consommateurs. She asked the French distributor for explanations.

According to Carrefour, which does not deny the facts, the growing demand for eggs, exacerbated by the Covid crisis, avian flu, and the war in Ukraine, has led to a drop in available volumes. « To guarantee the availability of eggs in stores, we have temporarily accepted the “small” size greater than 47 g, Carrefour explained. Outside of periods of crisis, we only sell medium and large calibers. But the crisis lasts and the market is still tense. »

However, this justification raises another question: why not reduce the price when the eggs are smaller? Carrefour’s response is pragmatic: to optimize availability, the brand buys eggs of all sizes at the same price.

How to avoid shrinkflation of Carrefour eggs?

For consumers who do not want to pay more for their eggs despite themselves, It is advisable to check the size of the eggs before purchasing. This information must be written on the box. Consumers therefore cannot be totally deceived.

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