40 million Brazilians still do not have access to the internet, says IBGE

2023-11-09 19:50:07

The internet was used by 87.2% of Brazilians over 10 years old in 2022, according to IBGE data. Of the 202.1 million Braziliansonly 161.6 million have access to the internet, according to the continuous PNAD (National Household Sample Survey) of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), released on November 9, 2023 by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE ).

Less than 90% of Brazilians over the age of ten have access to the internet. Source: AcreBroadBand

According to the research carried out by the Ministry of Communications (MCom), although the internet currently reaches more than 90% of Brazilian homes, only 161.6 million people use it. This means that 40.5 million Brazilians never had access to the internet. Among the reasons given by intervieweesthey do not access the internet due to lack of knowledge (32.1%), cost of the service (28.8%) and lack of need (25.6%).

In 2022, the internet in rural areas reached 72.7% of Brazilians. In these more isolated regions, the central-west leads with 96.6% access due to the influence of the Federal District. Next come the rural areas of the North (82.4%) and Northeast (83.2%), which expanded considerably in 2022. One of the main factors for these changes is cell phones as the most common means of access (98 .9%).

Pedro Lucas Araújo, director of the Department of Investment and Innovation of the Ministry of Communications (MCom), explains that the biggest challenge of digital inclusion today is bringing the ability to use the internet for people and not network coverage. Peter says:

For the next Multi-Year Plan, the indicator we will use to address this topic is the number of people who access the internet and not in their homes, as the indicators are clear regarding the expansion of coverage.

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