Senator Joe Manchin Honors Veterans Day with Statement in Washington, DC

2023-11-09 20:07:29

November 09, 2023

Washington, DC – Today, U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) released the following statement in honor of Veterans Day.

“Since the founding of this great country, our fellow Americans have defended our democracy and fought in battle to preserve our way of life. All of these Americans, as well as their families, deserve our deepest appreciation and respect.

“It is an honor to represent one of the most patriotic states in the country. Freedom is not free, and it is our commitment to liberty and patriotism that makes me proud to call myself a West Virginian. Our appreciation must be reflected in our actions. As a member of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs as well as the Senate Appropriations Committee, I will continue working to expand the availability of healthcare, workforce training opportunities and affordable housing for Veterans and their families.

“On this Veterans Day, join me in honoring and thanking our Veterans who have sacrificed so much to keep our nation safe. May God continue to bless our Veterans and may God bless these United States and the state of West Virginia.”

A video of Senator Manchin’s remarks is available here.

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