Early Detection of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Research and Prevention

2023-11-09 09:10:48

A new study has found that changes in the body can be detected up to eight years before an inflammatory bowel disease is diagnosed.

Researchers at the Francis Crick Institute and Aalborg University in Denmark used individuals’ electronic health records, comparing 20,000 people with inflammatory bowel disease with 4.6 million people without the condition.

The researchers looked at test results for 10 years before diagnosis, and found changes in a series of minerals and cells in the blood.

They also looked at markers of inflammation, such as fecal calprotectin, a molecule released into the intestines during inflammation.

It turns out that changes can show up in blood tests up to three years before ulcerative colitis is diagnosed, and up to eight years before Crohn’s disease is diagnosed.

The results show that the beginnings of inflammatory bowel diseases begin long before symptoms appear.

In the future, this may enable doctors to take preventive action before symptoms begin, or prescribe medication when it is most effective.

Previously, it was thought that most people had symptoms for about a year before diagnosis, but significant damage to the intestine is often seen, suggesting changes have occurred for a longer period.

James Lee, group leader of the Genetic Mechanisms of Disease Laboratory at Crick, said: “Our research shows that the gut damage seen at the point of diagnosis is just the tip of the iceberg. Many changes occur in the body before disease takes hold. This has major implications for prevention because it highlights There is a window of opportunity for treatment. We do not yet know whether preventive measures such as changing the diet or stopping smoking will prevent someone from contracting these diseases, but this opens the door to possibilities. It also emphasizes the importance of early diagnosis and treatment, as “Many of the changes in the gut likely occur long before people become ill.”

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Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is incurable and involves excessive inflammation of the intestine, leading to symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhea.

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