Nihilism and Nervous Breakdowns: The Rise of Eco-Anxiety in Today’s Youth

2023-11-09 05:00:00

They struck once more.


Mentally ill people who smear tomato soup on paintings in museums, or who stick their heads in it, which at best will seem preposterous.

I add that they have become radicalized: the latest, in London, are hitting with hammers on the security glass supposed to ensure the protection of the works.

Why do they do this?


Officially, so that our companies stop oil exploitation.

Their objective: to show us that the greatest achievements of the human spirit will no longer be worth anything on an uninhabitable planet.

We will not be fooled by this environmentalist pseudo-rationality.

In fact, these disoriented young people above all demonstrate a profound nihilism: self-diagnosed as ecoanxious, they in fact fall into nihilism, which is the fruit of their decerebration and their deculturation.

First of all, decerebration: they often only float in the virtual universe.

As soon as they touch the outside world, they feel offended. A contradictory idea terrifies them.

They now cling to their environment through a form of ideological intolerance which pushes them to want to destroy the world around them before they are dragged into its fall. They sometimes even have the temptation to voluntarily make themselves ugly: it’s a question of who will be the most aesthetically deconstructed.

Their claimed psychological fragility leads them to a form of psychological collapse, the signs of which are multiplying. You just have to see them walking in the street, often with zombie-like eyes, to be convinced.

Then deculturation: they pay the price of their cultural uprooting. They were born into a civilization which hates itself, which accuses itself of all evils. She accuses herself of racism, sexism, transphobia, and now ecocide. Western civilization has done so much harm to the planet that it would have to plan its own disappearance to relieve humanity.

This section of the younger generation has lost its reason and has locked itself into an apocalyptic hallucination which no longer has much contact with reality.

I will go even further: we live in a society that encourages madness.

Because the “mental health” of a population depends on the cultural and symbolic frameworks which structure it existentially and which make it possible to respond to the existential anxieties of each person.


These frameworks have collapsed over the past fifty years. They were brought down, more precisely, to free the individual. But the latter found himself abandoned, as if he were existentially naked in a world that he no longer supports.

Is this surprising, when we think regarding the role played by anxiolytics in regulating the behavior of each person?

I would add that we do not help these young people by adopting an “understanding” attitude towards them. They would need to hit a wall, to meet a strong authority teaching them how to become adults.

They can’t find it. And they suffer. To the point of self-destruction. And to want to take the world with them.

#mentally #ill #destroy #museums #strike



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