Understanding Abnormal Sweating: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention

2023-11-09 00:00:08

Normal people generally do not sweat too much. Most people sweat evenly and slightly all over the body, and they are moist and moist. They sweat continuously rather than in bursts. The sweat is colorless or light yellow, has a slightly salty taste, and does not have an unbearable odor. Normal sweating has the effect of harmonizing the body’s health and is good for the body.

abnormal sweating

Although sweating is a normal physiological phenomenon, the amount and frequency of sweating are affected by a variety of factors, such as exercise, weather, emotions, and even medications, which may lead to increased sweating. Note that abnormal sweating may be a sign of certain health problems that require attention.

1. Night sweats:Night sweats are excessive sweating during sleep that can result in soaked sheets and clothing. This may be a symptom of certain infectious diseases (such as tuberculosis, HIV, etc.) or certain cancers (such as lymphoma).

2. Excessive sweating:If you frequently experience excessive sweating without doing strenuous exercise or being exposed to high temperatures, it may be a symptom of hyperhidrosis. Hyperhidrosis may be related to metabolic disease or medication use.

3. Sensory sweating:Sensory sweating is sweating caused by pain, mood swings, or certain triggers. This may be related to abnormalities in the autonomic nervous system.

4. Chills and sweating:Chills and sweats are symptoms that appear in the early stages of an infectious disease such as a cold, fever, or flu. The infection causes the body to try to regulate its temperature, causing sweating and chills to alternate.

5. Drug side effects:Some medications may cause increased sweating, including certain antidepressants, fever reducers, and others.

(Image source: Envato)

Sweating and physiological diseases

Sweating is a physiological phenomenon of the human body, and the normal amount of sweating is generally not too much. However, if the sweating pattern or the amount of sweat changes, it may indicate the hidden danger of a hidden disease in the body. The body is alarming, so you need to pay more attention.

1. Sweating without moving, spontaneous sweating due to Qi deficiency

I sweat more than others during the day. I sweat profusely even if I exercise a little, or even when I sit still. It is more common in people with weak constitutions, recovering from serious illness, or people who are obese. It is mainly caused by Qi deficiency.

People with sweating, fear of wind, and qi deficiency are prone to colds and often feel tired, weak, short of breath, poor appetite, etc. At this time, they need to take some yam to replenish the spleen, lungs and kidneys.

Improve spontaneous sweating: replenish qi more. Spontaneous sweating is mostly caused by qi deficiency. It is recommended to eat more yam, lentils, chestnuts, walnuts and other foods that can replenish qi. You can also stew chicken with dangshen or astragalus to replenish the body and improve the symptoms of qi deficiency.

Moxibustion and kneading acupoints, including Qihai point, Guanyuan point, and Zusanli point, can also be effective. Qihai point has the effect of warming yang and replenishing qi, reducing dampness and regulating qi.

2. Sweating profusely while sleeping, night sweats due to yin deficiency

Frequent sweating when sleeping at night. In mild cases, there may be slight sweating following falling asleep. In severe cases, the clothes will be completely wet every night and the sweating will stop following waking up. This is called night sweats in traditional Chinese medicine and is mainly caused by yin deficiency and excessive fire.

People who often have night sweats are often accompanied by problems such as hot palms and soles, flushed cheeks, dry mouth and throat, and are prone to upset and insomnia. At this time, you can eat some jujube seeds to help you sleep and nourish yin.
To improve night sweats: nourish yin. The main cause of night sweats is Yin deficiency, internal heat, and imbalance of Yin and Yang. In your daily diet, you can eat more foods that have the effect of nourishing yin, such as wolfberry, longan, donkey hide gelatin, Ophiopogon japonicus, yam, lily, tremella, etc.

People who suffer from yin deficiency and night sweats can improve their symptoms through massage or moxibustion at Yinque, Houxi and Sanyinjiao points.

3. Half-body sweating, strange sweating, be wary of diabetes

If you have sweating in the upper body but no sweat in the lower body, or sudden sweating a few seconds following eating, accompanied by symptoms such as polydipsia, polyphagia, polyuria, and weight loss, you should be alert to diabetes.

4. Chest tightness, sweating, and cold sweat to prevent heart accidents

When there is a heart problem, due to the congestion of the body’s circulation, the peripheral blood flow will be blocked, the capillary pressure will increase, and the fluid will leak out. If you sweat, especially cold sweats, there will also be a series of symptoms such as chest tightness and chest pain, suggesting that Possible signs of a heart attack.

5. If you sweat all over your body or continue to sweat, be careful regarding your thyroid gland

Inexplicable hotness often occurs, followed by sweating all over the body and continuous sweating. Such a situation may indicate that your metabolism is in an abnormally strong state, or the thyroid gland may be sending you abnormal signals.

If you find that you have secondary hyperhidrosis caused by diabetes, heart disease, thyroid disease, etc., you should seek medical treatment promptly and treat the cause. If the cause of the disease is yin deficiency and qi deficiency, you need to pay more attention to your daily life, pay attention to health and fitness for a long time, and take good care of your body.

All in all, if the pattern of sweating or the amount of sweat changes, it is likely to be a sign of physical weakness or a reminder of certain diseases, which requires vigilance and attention and should not be taken lightly.

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