2023-11-08 15:05:40
At the end of 2022, the National Research Coordination Committee (CNCR) launched a vast bibliometric* study on the field Brain Health, covering neuroscience, clinical neurology, as well as adult and pediatric psychiatry. Today 9 thematic sheets covering psychiatry are available and allow us to situate French research in this area.
The objective of this analysis is to provide positioning data making it possible to measure France’s place and impact in these different areas, at European and global level, to thus feed the research strategy and prepare future calls for projects. Europeans, some of which will focus on these themes, particularly within the framework of the partnership Brain Health (2025-2027).
On September 27, 2023, a first series of sheets was put online on the CNCR website, including Topics 11 (Neuro Developmental disorders) et 14 (Neurological Disorder).These first results made it possible to observe some major trends: in volume, France has lost places at the world level, but it remains competitive in terms of citations with indicators generally above the world and European averages. It also remains competitive in terms of clinical trials, with France positioning itself in the top 5 worldwide in the majority of pathologies studied.
Focus on psychiatry
The CNCR has just put online the second part of its analysis which corresponds to Topic 12 of the classification
EBRA : Psychiatric disorders. This topic is important because it alone contains 9 thematic sheets, almost
a third of the files that will be analyzed, covering adult psychiatry as well as that of children and
Over the last 20 years, France has gone from 7th to 9th place in Psychiatry research. His share of
However, the market remains relatively stable, around 3.8%. We are witnessing an exponential progression of
China which very often ranks in the top 5 ranks in the world. Canada and Australia remain very
well positioned for 20 years. In Europe, Italy and the Netherlands have overtaken France in many
pathologies. Spain ranks 10th in the world, just behind France.
A large part of French research in Psychiatry has long been published in French journals.
with low international impact. This is no longer the case today, the majority of publications being produced in
international English-language journals.
Of the 9 themes analyzed, France goes from a median rank of 9 to a median rank of 13, i.e. a loss
4 places. This observation is however very variable, France having held up well on addictions,
suicidal behavior or personality disorders. She also won places on Troubles
of Eating Behavior, going from 10th to 8th in the world. However, we can observe a decline
important for mood disorders, anxiety or perinatal psychological disorders; note that this is
areas with a large volume of publications in which there is strong competition.
In these areas, the progression of French publications between 2002 and 2021 is significant: lower
to the European and global progression in terms of volume, identical to or greater than this progression in terms of
on impact.
We also note a strong structuring of research in the different fields of mental health,
notably via the FondaMental scientific cooperation foundation, its thematic networks and centers
The entire Brain Health study published to date is available on the CNCR website:
Le Comité National de Coordination de la Recherche a été créé en 2005 avec comme objectif le pilotage de la recherche hospitalière et comme vocation d’assurer le développement des missions spécifiques des Établissements Publics de Santé dans un environnement très évolutif. Le CNCR existe en réponse à des besoins identifiés par les grandes composantes des Centres Hospitaliers Régionaux et Universitaires (Conférences des Directeurs Généraux, des Présidents de Commission Médicale d’Établissement, des Doyens d’UFR de médecine ainsi que leurs Comités de la Recherche Biomédicale et en Santé Publique (CRBSP) et des Centres Hospitaliers et Centres Hospitaliers Spécialisés (Conférences des Directeurs, des Présidents de Commission Médicale d’Établissements). Organe de représentation des Établissements Publics de santé, le CNCR voit ses missions évoluer en 2015 et devient la Coordination Nationale des Établissements Publics de Santé en matière de Recherche et d’Innovations médicales. À cette occasion, le positionnement stratégique et le champ d’action s’élargissent : ouverture des adhésions aux Centres Hospitaliers & Spécialisés les plus volontaires en matière de Recherche en santé, mise en route de nouvelles missions, renforcement des équipes.
Press release, CNCR of November 7, 2023
*The bibliometrics refers to the set of methods used to quantitatively analyze academic literature and scholarly communications
#Research #psychiatry #France #located