The Mystery of Luis Gonzalez Rojas: Diazepam, Cannabis, and Questions Unanswered

2023-11-08 18:21:00

During the autopsy, a significant amount of Diazepam was found in the blood of Luis Gonzalez Rojas. Diazepam is a molecule available under several brands, the best known being Valium. It also exists in generic brand, but always in tablet form.

Did Luis Gonzales Rojas consume this anxiolytic voluntarily? Was he drugged?

The pharmacist-toxicologist mandated by the investigating judge in charge of the investigation noted traces of cannabis and Diazepam, substances which, combined, slow down an individual’s reaction times.

No cocaine use

The expert is categorical: Luis Gonzalez Rojas had not consumed cocaine in the days preceding his death. However, a witness said he had consumed it at night, 24 hours before the incident. For the expert, it is impossible, “there would have been traces in the urine”.

Not a regular consumer

The investigating judge requested an analysis of the victim’s hair, in order to identify traces of habitual consumption of Diazepam. “In theory, it is possible. In practice, it is more complicated, especially since the victim was found in a van which was bathed in water and there was blood on his hair,” replies the expert, who refused the mission. . However, urine analysis shows that Luis was not a habitual user of Diazepam. It was a unique catch, says the expert.

The last meal, shortly before death

Analysis of gastric contents was unable to determine when the drug was absorbed and in what form, in a meal or drink. However, the concentration of Diazepam in the gastric contents was high, 28.7 milligrams, or taking three ten-milligram tablets. The stomach volume was 1.55 kilos, a sign that the victim ate his last meal, shortly before his death.

Defense expert

Anneliese Audain’s defense mandated another expert toxicologist as technical advisor, in order to have a complementary opinion. “If the Diazepam was placed in the salad, ingested before the football match, the effects would have already occurred before the victim’s son left. This would have been amorphous,” he says. According to his son, Luis was sleepy when he left his mother’s house on Sunday February 16 around 11:45 p.m. According to the expert, it is rather a consequence of taking cannabis then.

“If he takes the salad at the start of the match, within two hours he is sleepy, that’s what we see,” replies the expert appointed by the investigating judge. It all depends on the physical constitution of the taker. One individual will feel tired more quickly than another.

The questions

“Would he have been able to change himself? ” asks a juror. The forensic expert says it’s unlikely, just like taking a shower.

A lawyer for the civil parties asks whether eating a meal, in several stages, has an impact on taking Diazepam. The legal expert cannot answer.

Me Brocca, lawyer for Anneliese Audain, notes that a doctor prescribed medication in the form of drops to his client. “It would be simpler to put drops in a meal than a medicine in tablet form, but it is possible” The lawyer considers that it is impossible that this Diazepam was ingested via the salad!

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