The Writing Moves After Hearing the Wind: Insightful Articles by Li Xianxian and More

2023-11-07 20:41:02


Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Li Xianxian

The writing moves following hearing the wind

Writing Array: Those who win the hearts and minds of the people win the world/Article: Chen Jingxiang’s writing following hearing the news: American reporters broke the news that Joshua Wong’s request for asylum from the US Consulate in 2020 failed/Article: Li Xianshi Liu Ruishao: Heartbroken and broken, Liancheng Bifengtai’s response should not be frivolous—why ” Harmony” and “the wind of sanctions” blow together Huang Fuqiang: Post-epidemic alienation intensifies the public mental crisis Zhong Zhiyuan: Teenagers need to “walk together” Watchman Tian Fangze: When should we pay attention to the mental health of school children?Lam Shang-hong: Li Keqiang’s pragmatism is worthy of Hong Kong people’s persistence
#Writing #hearing #news #reporter #broke #news #Joshua #Wongs #request #asylum #Consulate #failedText #Xianxian20231108ViewpointDaily #Ming #Pao



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