EXCLUSIVE TO EUROPE 1 – Nearly 7 out of 10 French people have changed their consumption of Made in France because of inflation

2023-11-07 05:53:13

Margaux Fodéré / Photo credits: GUILLAUME SOUVANT / AFP
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07h28, 07 November 2023

It returns Thursday for its 11th edition: the Made in France show will be held in Paris until the end of the week. The opportunity for exhibiting companies to attract customers who have become rarer in recent months, because inflation is undermining French products. This is what an OpinionWay study reveals, for the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which Europe 1 is revealing to you exclusively this morning. Thus, for nearly seven out of ten French people, the rise in prices since the start of the inflationary crisis has had an impact on their consumption of Made in France products.

Products more penalized than others

In detail, 60% of them have even simply given up on these purchases, to consume less or consume less expensive, and therefore imported, products. Not surprisingly, this is particularly true among young people, aged 18 to 24, whose purchasing power is lower. And if all Made in France goods have been penalized by the rise in prices, some have been more so than others.

“If we look concretely at the Made in France products that the French consume above all, we see that food comes in first position, far ahead of other categories. Furthermore, food is the first category to have suffered inflation “So we can easily guess that it is food, the first item of Made in France products, which has suffered from inflation”, underlines Eléonore Quarré, consulting director at OpinionWay’s opinion department.

The majority of French people would like to consume more Made in France

However, the vast majority of French people, whether they buy Made in France or not, would like to consume more of it. To support local producers, but also for more quality or out of ecological awareness. Except that there is a major obstacle, for 70% of them: the price of the products. Even if this is not always justified, explains Olivier Paccalin, the founder of the search engine LeSiteduMadeinFrance.fr.

“In textiles, if you compare Made in France to big brands made abroad, like Levis, it’s the same price. Afterwards, if you compare to the entry level, it’s certain that the Made in France is less competitive in terms of price. In fast fashion, you easily find a t-shirt for 5 or 10 euros, a Made in France t-shirt is more like 45 euros.”

“The French, today, are forced to make arbitrations”

One thing is certain: under the pressure of inflation, consumers are watching their spending closely. “The French, today, are forced to make trade-offs because they know that their budget is limited. And therefore criteria such as country of origin, quality or taste, for food for example, take precedence. really in the background,” explains Eléonore Quarré.

This does not prevent them from being curious and wanting to learn more regarding Made in France products. According to this same OpinionWay study, 76% of French people would be interested in discovering more products of this type. Particularly during events like the Made in France Show which begins this Thursday, November 9.

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